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Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York

"RILES!" Maya yelled at the top of her lungs hours later, as she set aside her laptop on the sofa.

She could hear Riley's annoyed groan and her footsteps as they got louder.

"What?" Riley crossed her arms over her chest, as she came in sight.

"There's a black tie benefit tonight for some stupid rainforest crap," Maya replied, as she reached to grab her bottle of Mountain Dew from the coffee table.

"Okay and?" Riley raised an eyebrow, as she leaned on the doorway.

"And," Maya said, giving her a knowing look, "Billy Ross is going and if he's going, his little posse is probably going too and we all know who's in that posse."

"Tonight?!" Riley's eyes widened, "Maya, we can't!"

Maya almost rolled her eyes but she kept herself under control, "Okay. Well, if today doesn't work for you, there's some gala for the hungry in Africa or something along those lines in 2 weeks."

Riley glared at her, "Maya..."

Maya held a hand up in defense, "Hey. You agreed to this because you know damn well that we don't have a better solution. You may want to stall, but the insurance workers won't want to so you really don't have options here, hun."

Riley sighed, as she started to pace around, "I know. It's just hard to think of this as a reality."

"I understand, Riles," Maya said, sympathetically, as she uncapped the bottle, "It's hard but this is the only way that we can stay under Farkle's radar."

Riley took a seat on the sofa across from the blonde, "So... when does this event start?"

"6:00," Maya replied, after taking a sip of her Mountain Dew, "It's in Central Park so they'll be a good 20 blocks away. We have a great window of time."

Riley looked uneasy for a moment but then, she nodded, "Well... alright then." She looked at the current time and said, "We'll get there at 6:10."

Maya immediately smirked, "Can't wait."

Maya was looking forward to it but for Riley, she was anxious as hell. What if this didn't work?


Midtown, Manhattan, New York

"So, Lucas," Billy called out to him, as he adjusted his light blue tie, "I heard that you went home with Fallon O'Shea a few days ago. How's that going?"

"One and done, gentlemen," Lucas smirked, as he buttoned up his white oxford shirt, "but she's crawling back already. Just, let me think. Penelope Kingsley and Lydia Calloway and Florence Winslet and Camilla Lennox. Them and Fallon in the past 2 weeks."

"You're gonna get herpes one day," Zay's nose wrinkled in disgust, "I bet you."

Lucas rolled his eyes, "I am not." He turned to look at his reflection. Caroline always fussed over how he looked at these events, so he always checked up on himself beforehand.

"At the rate that you're going, you probably will," Farkle nodded in agreement, as he picked up the champagne cork from the glass coffee table and tossed it into the basket of other beverage corks that they kept, "And who knows, maybe you already have one and you just don't."

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