just fade away

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"So, we're not saying that you two have to get married tomorrow," Caroline said, "We're saying that the sooner you two rekindle your relationship, the better. If that takes a month, so be it. A year... not so much."

Farkle sighed as he glanced at Riley quickly, "Caroline, is it really necessary to throw Riley into this? I understand why you're giving me instructions, but this is unfair to Riley."

Riley spoke up, "Farkle... I... don't worry about me. I can handle myself." She held Nathan closer to herself.

"We just think that you two need to discuss this as soon as possible and work towards the goal that you two should be aiming for," Stuart said, calmly, "Time goes by faster than you think and little Nathan will grow up before you even know it. It's important to work towards rekindling your relationship sooner than later."

Farkle pursed his lips. Deep down, he knew his father was right and he understood how important timing was, but he just didn't want to put Riley into an uncomfortable position.

He wasn't even 100% sure if she wanted to be there but he didn't want to risk making her do something that she didn't want to.

RIley cleared her throat, "Is... Is marriage really necessary? Would it not be enough for Farkle and I to agree on joint custody and maintaining a good friendship?" She wasn't exactly sure how to respond to this. Yeah, it pissed her off, but it still worried her.

"Riley, I understand that this is unfair to you and that this most likely isn't what you would really want, but I need you to understand how cruel society is," Caroline faced her, "I know it seems easy to turn away from the stares and to ignore the whispers, but it isn't. It's the harsh reality that it's just not. I know this probably sounds absolutely pathetic, but these socialites are harsh. There are many conservative socialites in Manhattan and they won't hesitate to whisper about you."

Stuart added, "They'll be cruel. They'll be tough. You'll be made of an example and branded as all these derogatory terms. I have only known you as my son's girlfriend, but you're a good person, Riley. You don't deserve any of this."

Riley was stunned. Was this really what rich people were like? Were they really this cunning, cruel, and just... wow.

She felt Farkle reach out to touch his shoulder, "Riley, I can help you relocate to anywhere you want. This is another option-"

"No, it's not," Caroline shook her head, "That's taking her away from her home. You can't just force her to leave New York."

"Making her stay here and face everybody is cruel," Farkle said, incredulously, "Think about it."

"Leaving will only make it worse for Riley," Stuart insisted, "If she were to ever come back, it would be hell for her. Even with her gone, it will be hell for us. Do you know how many phone calls we've gotten? Do you know how our old family friends are reacting to this?"

"Well, screw them!" Farkle exclaimed, "I just... I just don't understand why we have to care so damn much about what everyone else thinks. Screw it! No matter what everyone's gonna judge so why should we care so much?"

Riley cleared her throat, bring the attention back to her, "Listen... I... I understand what you guys mean. I do. But... I don't want to leave New York. This is home for me. I don't want to leave my home."

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