Chapter 1

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Hannah is the picture above^. Hope you like the story :)

"Hannah Meyer," Ms. Sanchez boomed from her seat at the front of the class. "Here," I confirmed. I hate school. I hate Maryland. Why couldn't I have been born somewhere like California, where there's endless opportunities? I hate everything about Maryland. It's so boring and there's nothing to do. Most kids looking for something to do either play sports, smoke pot, or do other drugs.

But I'm neither athletic nor stupid. And neither is my best friend Karlie, who I'm sure is the only person who gets me at this prison.

When I'm not in school I'm either hanging out with Karlie or keeping up with my YouTube, YouNows, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, or Snapchat. I don't have a huge following or anything, but it's slowly growing. I mostly do tutorials on makeup and sing; nothing special.

Time slowly passed through Biology, and it was now lunch time. "Hannah!" Karlie shouted from the other end of the hallway, scurrying over. I laughed at her energy. I was only halfway through the school day and I could barely walk. How is she so energetic?

"Bryce is back," she pointed at the tall, floppy-haired jock I once fell so hard for. I sighed deeply. Why would he come back here? I missed him, but I'll never forgive him for just leaving me without telling me.

Maybe I should recap. Three years ago, Bryce and I met and we became friends. We hung out a lot, and I started to develop small feelings. The feeling was mutual, because a year later he told me how he felt.

He told me he loved me, and I wasn't sure how I felt when those three words left his mouth. I told him I cared about him and I really liked him, but I couldn't call it love. It was something, however. And it was something I didn't want to let go of. Then the next day he was gone. Without any sign, he just left. I couldn't find him anywhere.

He never answered my calls. He never answered my messages. I thought something was wrong, until two weeks later he posted something on his Instagram saying he was in California or something.

I was debating on whether I should go talk to him or not, when he looked straight at me and started walking over to me. "Shit. Shit. Shit," I muttered under my breath. "Meet me at lunch," Karlie said, leaving me to talk to Bryce alone.

He stood before me, no expression on his face. "Hannah, I haven't seen you in forever," he smiled weakly. No shit Sherlock. I didn't want to be rude, but I guess it just came out. "I'd like to keep it that way," I say bitterly, starting to walk off. "Wait, please Hannah," he said, lightly grabbing my arm. I started to get angry.

"Wait? Why should I wait? I waited for weeks, Bryce! Weeks. I was wondering where you were and I was worried about you, when you didn't even care about me. You never did, you never have, and I don't want to talk to you. Ever. Again," I shouted aggressively. I didn't even notice the small tears that streamed down my cheeks.

What he said next is what hurt the worst. "Okay, if that's how you feel." He just walked away, confirming everything I ever thought. He didn't care. He didn't try. He just gave up. How could you just walk away from someone you supposedly love so much?

For a minute, I felt nothing. I was stunned. Shock took over my body. But once my mind processed everything, the tears poured down my face uncontrollably. I rushed down the hallway, into the bathroom, afraid anyone would see me and label me a freak.

'Did he just lie to me when he told me he loved me? Did he find someone else? Would I have to see them together every day? Is this my fault? Did he move on to someone who loves him too?'

Thoughts like this popped into my head. I know I don't love him, but it still hurts. I know I don't love him because people say you feel all these types of heightened feelings when you're in love. I don't. I don't feel like everything has changed when I'm with him, like people claim to feel when they're in love. But if this hurts this bad, I wonder what it feels like to fall in love.

Mikey will probably be introduced in the story sometime soon. Expect him by the fourth chapter, and it might be sooner! Comment what you think will happen, and please vote! It would mean the world to me❤️

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