Important/ please read

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If you haven't already guessed because I haven't updated in a while, I've lost admiration for this story. My writing has dramatically improved and unfortunately, I think I could do a much better job by taking my time to update my other stories. I don't feel confident in this book anymore and I have lost interest in it. I have no ideas for it either, because the whole book is so unoriginal and basic . The first three chapters make me cringe actually, YIKES.

But, Maybe in the future I will write a MUCH better version of this story.

However, I'm still undecided in my decision to end it. I appreciate everyone who has loved this book , so in return for your admiration, I'll take a vote.

If anybody wants me to keep this story: please comment saying so.

If you would rather me make a better version of the story (less basic plots) : comment saying so as well.

If you would like me to just end it and focus on my other stories: comment saying so, please.

Thank you all so much ❤️

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