Chapter 14

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Hannah's P.O.V.
"Come on, Mikey please answer!" I yelled at my phone, in a heap of frustrated. My hands were sweating and fisted, and tears were running down my mascara-stained face. I'd had quite a bit to drink by now, but for some reason I felt even more stressed than before.

"Pick up, Mikey I swear!" I screamed. Nobody could hear me on the couch, since the music was blaring.

Mikey clearly wasn't going to answer me, so I tried Karlie. After about ten calls and no answer, I just gave up. I put my head in my hands and cried. Cried like I was trying to flood a town with my river of tears. I just wanted a fun night, with all the stress I had been going through lately.

But instead of a fun night, Bryce turned into a monster, Karlie and Mikey could be dead for all I know, and I don't have a ride home.

Suddenly I felt the couch move, and a weight shift.

"You doing okay?" A female voiced, concerned.


I lifted my head up, sniffling still, slowly shaking my head.

She hadn't even had anything to drink at her own party.

"Oh dear," she mumbled. "You need a way home? You're clearly not in the state to drive," she frowned.

I shook my head.

She sighed. "Come on," she helped me up, dragging me to the parking lot in her heels.

"Tell me your address," she demanded.

I gave it to her, and despite my constant slurring, she entered it correctly into the GPS.

"Thank you," I grumbled. She smiled at me. "It's really no problem." We didn't talk much during the ride, considering I don't think either of us were really in the mood. The only sound came from the tears flowing down my cheeks, in fear of what will happen next.

In time, Liza finally pulls up to my house after what seems like hours.

"Thank you," I breathed. "I'm sorry you had to take time out of your party," I frowned.

She laughed softly. "It wasn't much fun, anyways. It's really alright!"

I shrugged. "If you say so." I waved goodbye and made my way, slowly, stumbling to the door, seeing Mikey's car in the parking lot. I walked inside, and saw someone I didn't expect to see...


Thank God.

He was staring at me coldly with bloodshot eyes, sipping desperately fast on water as if it would sober him up.

"How'd you get home? That's not Bryce's car. Why didn't your little boyfriend Bryce take you home?" He spat, cringing in disgust.

I decided it was best to let him get his frustration out, and not say anything. Because even if I did say anything, I'd just be interrupted.

"Why wouldn't you just tell me that it was him this whole time?" His voice cracked.

"I mean, it's not like we were anything really, you could have just told me," he replied with a hurt look on his face.

"It's not like we were anything really."

Those words sunk into my mind. I stayed silent, replaying them in my head.

"Answer me," he said through gritted teeth, frightening me a little bit.

"You have it all wrong Mikey. Where's Karlie?" I started worrying.

"I took her home. She's fine," his face softened. "But don't change the subject. You just lied to my face."

Something in me just snapped. I threw my hands up in the air.

"Don't act all innocent, Mikey. I'm not lying to you, but you lied to my face a handful of times tonight. Obviously what is going on between you and Bryce is about me," I scoffed.

He was about to say something, but I continued.

"Nothing even happened. He was about to tell me what was going on and then I guess he saw you looking and tried to kiss me," I sighed. "Mikey, I swear. I never wanted that," I wailed loudly.

Mikey hugged me gently, holding me.

"Why would you make me worry like that. I was worried sick you wouldn't come home and you and Karlie wouldn't be okay. I didn't know how I was going to get home-"

Mikey cut off my weak voice and let go of me, looking me in the eyes with his golden ones, tears coming out of both of our eyes.

"I don't know why. I'm an idiot, Han. I'm sorry I let you down," he looked down at the ground, his fists locked and expression downcast.

I sighed. "Can you just tell me what is going on? Can you stop lying to me and tell me what is going on between you and Bryce?" I put a hand up to my forehead, exhausted.

He sighed, nodding his head.

"Bryce is still in love with you, Hannah."

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