1. Midnight Memories

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The soft buzzing that had been going on for some time woke Kendall up. She lazily stretched her arms and yawned, extremely pissed that she was woken up so brutally after a jet lag like hers.

Without even bothering to open her eyes, Kendall blindly ran her hand through the nightstand in hopes of getting her phone. She wanted to keep the sleepiness within her eyes so she could go back to sleep as soon as she could.

After three failed attempts, she finally found her phone. Kendall leaned further into her pillow as she swiped the screen, still with her eyes closed. She had used her phone enough to be able to operate it without having to look at it at all, thankfully.

- Hello?

Kendall yawned just after mumbling the word. Her voice sounded tired, hoarsed and low. It was a little bit shaky due to just having woken up.

- Hey! Did I wake you up?

A familiar voice asked her. Justin sounded different than he usually would. And despite her very sleepy state, Kendall could detect this fact without much effort.

- It's alright Jus, how are you?

Kendall forced herself to sit up a little bit since concern for one of her best friends washed all over her. She surpressed another yawn by placing the back of her hand over her mouth and waited for a reply.

- Uhh.. I'm actually at your hotel, thought we'd catch up?

They had agreed to meet up sometime while they were both in Milano. Kendall was there for a movie audition and Justin was going to perform in the city for two nights.

Even though an early hour in the morning on the night Kendall had arrived wasn't anywhere near her definition of a good time for 'meeting up', she was more than willing to do it because of how Justin's voice worried her.

- I really need to talk to you.

Justin sounded insecure and lost while uttering the last sentence. And judging by how closed up of a character he is, Kendall immediately knew it was important.

Kendall realised she hadn't replied in her subconscious state of mind. She sat up on her bed completely before responding. Unable to hold in the inquitude stored by how he sounded.

- Yeah.. Yeah Sure! I'm in room 1204.

- I'll be over in a sec, kay?

- Okay.

Kendall hung up the phone and dragged herself out of the bed. She stretched her arms and bent down to relax her muscles. She then, collected the shorts she had been wearing earlier that day from the couch and put it on.

After turning on a satisfactory amount of lights, she heard a gentle knock on her hotel door.

Kendall opened the door to be be met with Justin. He smiled and hugged her after a short greetiung was exchanged.

"What's up giraffe?" Justin joked with a soft voice. Though his attempt of a joke was anything but whole hearted.

"I'm jet lagged like a baboon." Kendall tried to lighten the mood but that only brought a nod out of Justin. Usually, it would get a small laugh or at least a genuine smile.

Justin looked miserable. His hair was messier than Kendall had ever seen, his clothes were very simple unlike ever, there were huge dark circles under his eyes, his gaze seemed very distant and he had a sad smile on his lips.

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