5. Aftertaste

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The very important night in music industry proceeded afterwards, with more awards being given away, more performances being presented, and a lot of edgy swearing being thrown in different directions by the host.

By the end of the night, both Taylor and Zayn had won their respectable moonmen, several memorable moments were shared, and everyone seemed to have enjoyed the night very much thanks to their entertaining yet not-so-PG-13 host.

The VMA's was over sooner than Kendall expected for it to be. Maybe it was because she had been thinking about the address Cara had shoved in her hand through it all. Or maybe because she was busy making a desicion on what to do about that.

She had finally decided to ignore the proposal completely and join her friends and sister for Zayn's after party. Which now had turned into a celebration of the many awards he'd won. Well Gigi couldn't be happier about that one.

"Kendall?" Kylie's voice captured Kendall's attention.

"Yes?" Kendall turned around to face her sister while nervously running a hand through her perfect hair. They were in their limo, heading to the after party.

"Where are you today? You seem so lost." Kylie commented while frowning slightly. She recalled no zoning out while they were heading to the VMA's. Therefore she assumed something might have possibly bothered her sister during the show.

"Oh no I'm not.. It's just.. I really don't wanna leave again." She semi lied. She was indeed thinking about leaving for Paris but not because she didn't want to leave. Because she didn't know what to expect from Cara after this night.

"I don't want you to leave either." Kylie replied truthfully, looking into Kendall's eyes. "But I think it's for the better because you're such an annoying piece of shit." Kylie tried to joke, which made Kendall chuckle.

Kylie's eyes now were noticeably misty, apparently overwhelmed by reality that her sister never seemed to be home more than a week nowadays.

"Hey.." Kendall pulled Kylie in for a hug. "You can always visit me.. I'll come along and see you in between.." Kendall hated seeing Kylie sad. It was some older sister instinct maybe. Or maybe the fact that she loved her sister so much.

"But I'll miss you." Kylie whispered into her sister's shoulder. "I'll miss you too babe.. But it's not the 1700's anymore. We don't have to wait ten years to get letters from each other." Kendall tried to lighten the mood. Apparently she succeeded since Kylie giggled.

"Yeah there's DHL, There's Skype there's all kinds of programs invented just for us." Kylie smiled. "See? All set." Kendall kissed her sister's temple before letting her pull away.

"I just really love you." Kylie smiled at her older sister with a sense of pride. "I love you too Kylie."


The extra loud music was bursting through everyone's ear. The Dance Floor was packed with celebrities and even a few regular people grinding  on each other, or dancing as if they'd just fled a mental hospital. The others, were either drinking or basically observing the event.

Kendall sat on one of the couches in the back, with her drink firmly wrapped around her fingers, the red perfectly contrasting her slightly tan skin which was only momentarily noticeable since main lights kept changing color every millisecond.

Kendall was very glad she had caught up with a lot of her friends earlier that night. They were at this point dancing or having some 'fun' in one of the many rooms available in this place.

She, however, had chosen to relax a little bit. No matter how many times she was asked to dance with, she had decided to stay seated and had politely declined all the drunken invitations. Now while observing the dance floor, she became more and more certain that she had made an excellent desicion.

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