12. The Truth Spills Out

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Taylor's piercing tone silenced Kendall immediately.

He was breathing hard, with anger flowing through his mind. His veins were apparent in the nape of his neck, displaying how serious he was about every word he had just shouted. One glance at Taylor could ensure anyone that he was in no way being humorous.

Seeing her best friend so disturbed and bothered gave Kendall unpleasant chills. She felt very alienated for a moment. As if no one actually gave a darn about what she wanted. About what she chose.

The question in her mind was, how did he know? She couldn't believe this. Kendall had never seen this one coming for sure. How could Taylor have possibly found out about their little 'secret'?

"I.." Kendall began only to be brutally silenced once again.

"Don't even try to deny it!" Taylor spat, loosening his grip on the steering wheel only for a second to gaze out the window. Then, he recaptured it in his hand with a grip tight enough to whiten his knuckles. His emotionless gaze was now fixed on Kendall's eyes.

Kendall looked out the window, shaking her head with disbelief as a small chuckle escaped her lips. She ran a hand through her hair before focusing her attention back on her friend.

"Aren't you going to explain?" Taylor wondered, his body still as a rock.

"Explain what?" Kendall asked in ultimate annoyance. She then sighed, running a hand through her hair again in thought.

"The fact that you're in a relarionship with the Cara Delevingne." Taylor replied before Kendall could argue.

"I'm not in a relationship with anyone!!" Kendall cut in, too sharply for a second. That caused Taylor to raise a questioning eyebrow.

"Oh yeah?" Taylor disagreed, using a rather mocking tone to mention the question. "So how would you explain sleeping on the same bed as her the morning after the party?" He wondered, letting the angry mocking tone linger on every word.

"What are you talking about?" Kendall furrowed her eyebrows in question. She couldn't understand what Taylor was referring to. She didn't recall any kind of contact with Taylor after the party had ended until they went on set.

"You'd given me your key to wake you up in the morning! When I came inside, I saw you sleeping on the same bed all snuggly with Cara Fucking Delevingne." Taylor explained, not mentioning the 'naked' part since it gave him a bad feeling.

"Just that I'm with someone doesn't mean I'm in a relationship all of a sudden!" Kendall argued, raising her voice slightly.

"That makes it even worse! Means you're fucking around with her for no reason at all!" Taylor shouted, thinking as if his tone could bring Kendall back to her senses. The semi offended and scared look the brunette gave him caused him to reconsider his speaking manner for the moment.

"Look.. I.." Taylor sighed, uttering the words nore calmly. He was trying to think of the right word setting to get his message across. "I don't want you to do that anymore I don't want you to get hurt because.."

"There's no strings attached, Tay." Kendall assured, setting her statement matter of factly. For some unknown reason though, saying the words out loud bothered her. She didn't like the way it sounded.

"That's the thing!" Taylor exclaimed, in a much calmer tone that all throughout their conversation. He was trying to make his point. "I don't trust her at all! For all I know she might be playing some kind of a game.."

Taylor trailed off, silencing himself at the look of surprise and disappointment suddenly appearing in Kendall's eyes. The brunette suddenly understood what Taylor was saying. And it bothered her greatly.

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