30. Heavy

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Cara sighed heavily as her feet followed the brunette before her.

They were already inside the Jenner household, in the garage where Kendall's Porsche was parked. As the brunette had explained before, they were going to enter the house through the garage door, which lead them into the living room.

Cara, however, couldn't really focus on anything at that very moment. She smoothed her newly styled hair and smirked at how different it felt to run her hand through it.


Cara's head shot up to the source of the call for her attention. It was, of course, from Kendall who was now leaning against the wall with a slight smile on her face and an unreadable but obviously positive aura.

"Yes?" Cara asked, trying very hard to not let her eyes go through Kendall's exposed skin which was a very tempting sight to stare at.

"Are you okay?" The smile remained as it was on the red lips of the younger girl as she uttered the words.

"No." Cara smirked mischievously. "I'm about to shit myself." She exclaimed in a whisper, trying to sound as serious as she could. Yet with the content of her sentence, she couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"You'd better not." Kendall stepped in front of the older girl, grasping a hold of her hand. Cara laughed at the thought of something like that ever happening.

"I won't. I just feel weird about this." She confessed.

"Why?" Kendall gave her hand a soft assuring squeeze that sent a familiar warmth down Cara's spine. Familiar but not any less exciting.

"I haven't really met any of my girlfriends' parents before. It's a first so.." She trailed off, obviously embarrassed a little bit about how lame she was sounding.

Kendall giggled lightly at the confession the blonde girl had made and pulled her in for a hug. Soft laughs were still escaping her lips.

"Don't worry." She paused. "It's gonna be fine." Kendall assured as she gave Cara's neck a kiss.

"What if they absolutely hate me and never want to see me ever again?" Cara's tone was playful, but it didn't take a genius to figure that she actually did mean to ask that question. Therefore, Kendall thought about the question genuinely before answering.

"I used to hate your guts and I couldn't bring myself to hate the idea of breathing in the same room as you any less than I did then." She replied, with a hint of a smile dancing around the corner of her lips.

"Wow that's really heartwarming." Cara rolled her eyes, making Kendall chuckle. The brunette softly kissed the older girl's lips and let go, resting her for head against Cara's.

"And look at now." She ran her eyes through Cara's face. Then, she looked the older girl right in the eye.

"I can't get enough of you." She smiled, which made a warm wave rush through Cara's body. "And I hate it when my bedroom doesn't smell like you." The brunette whispered sincerely.

"I can't get enough of you either." Cara confessed, leaning in for another soft kiss. She let her toungue brush against Kendall's lips, the familiar chills running down her spine.

Cara backed Kendall against the garage wall and rested her hands on either sides of her body, trapping her with their lips never disconnecting.

"Babe." Kendall warned. "We need to stop." This wasn't the best time to get carried away.

"Sorry." Cara pulled back, holding Kendall's hand in her own. "I got a little carried away."

"I was trying to make a point." The brunette confessed.

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