2. One Less Problem Without You

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"I'm sure you girls have met each other at some point in your crazy busy careers but I'll do the cliche introduction routine anyway." George smiled as he glanced back and forth between the two actresses.

They were still standing in the restaurant since Cara had just arrived, but judging by George's body language, he didn't want them to sit right away. Therefore, neither of the girls did.

George fixed his gaze on Kendall to begin the 'cliche introduction' he had referred to earlier.

"Kendall, this is Cara." He then, motioned toward the blonde model, his eyes stealing a glance from Cara.

"She's going to be your co-star in the upcoming movie." He continued, with a more formal expression now as he diverted his gaze to Cara, who just vaguely smiled in recognition of his gesture.

"Same goes for you, Cara." George stood still for a second. "Today, this is going to be very brief, for now, of course.. I'll pass the details to your managers." Both girls nodded.

George either didn't pay much attention to the aura around the girls, since he was too busy picturing the glory this movie would bring with these two brilliant actresses as the lead roles or failed to detect it in the very first place.

Because if looks could kill, both girls would be dead by then. They were both wearing a menancing and displeased expression on their faces. Cara's a bit more observant since never was one to hide her feelings.

Now noticing the rising tension in the air, that could easily be cut with a knife, George decided to make it less uncomfortable for everyone. He smiled awkwardly and basically motioned for them to take their seats as he made his way to his own.

The whole conversation between them included the terms of the work they were committing to, the sites that filming was going to take place, the beginning of filming, which was due to two weeks from then, and other small details about the process.

The most interesting one being, they would never see the script completely and were going to be given pieces for every day's filming to 'keep them interested', as both girls knew about George.

During the conversation, neither of the girls spoke one word with the other. Of course they would eventually respond to George's questions separately but not a word was exchanged between them.

Until, George claimed he had to make a very important phone call and left the table.

"I thought being an actress actually required talent."

Cara spat dryly, with her eyes focused on the gardes out the window, not even glancing at Kendall's direction.

"Pardon me?" Kendall asked with her eyebrows furrowed, not exactly understanding the blonde girl's intentions.

"I thought it took more than a surname to land a role." Cara spoke slightly louder, her eyes still focused on the flowers, her expression unenthusiastic.

Kendall now fully understood her intentions. Thankfully she had had enough of these conversations to be a very good part of them. Most were between her and Taylor's friends through projects they worked together.

"If it did, you wouldn't be here right now." Kendall replied, directing her eyes from the back of Cara's head to her cup of coffee.

"You seem to say so much for one of those Kartrashians now don't you?" Cara replied with a bored sigh, acting as if this was a routine she had to endure a hundred times a day, the least.

"You should go eat, pray and worship your sister Poppy, that's more productive and more meaningful than just analysing 'Kartrashian behaviour', now isn't it?" Kendall replied calmly, using Cara's tone on herself.

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