21. Same Old Shit

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"You drive like a granny." Kendall remarked as she looked out the car's window.

There were only a few days left until Christmas. Yet Saint Petersburg seemed oddly away from that day since all one could see was white covering everything. The cars, the ground, all trees, the streets, everything.

The blizzard had eventually gotten better over the past few days yet the clouds surrounding the city made any transportation difficult on air.

At the moment, on this surprisingly cheerful evening, Kendall was sitting on the passenger side of the car Cara had rented as the blonde girl drove. She was driving them to Selena's hotel.

"I'd like to see you try to drive in this weather." Cara explained, a goofy smile now on her lips at the confused look Kendall gave her.

"For your information, I do drive racing cars and I think I'm pretty good." The brunette defended, acting like a five year old kid arguing about whose toys were more adorable.

"Why don't you take over the wheels then?" Cara offered, smiling at the brunette as her dimples made an appearance.

"I don't have a lisence I can use here. Plus, I have no fucking idea where you're taking me. For all I know you could be selling me to a Russian Mafia boss." Cara hadn't shared the exact destination with the brunette yet.

"Oh it'd be too much trouble for me to go through. I don't like to put myself through that." Cara played along, trying to distract the brunette. She was taking them to Selena's hotel.

"Then where are you taking me?" Kendall asked, tilting her head aside slightly in an attempt of appearing intimidating. One couldn't say she was being successful.

"I thought I'd post you to Siberia by a train and see how long you can go without freezing your arse." Cara replied with a playful smirk on her face. She glanced at Kendall's raised eyebrow as she shifted the gear.

"That's possibly the worst joking attempt you've ever made around me." Kendall confessed with a disappointed shake of her head. As if she was sorry Cara's sense of humor was this weird.

Before Cara could come up with another remark, Kendall's phone rang. Sighing, she took it out of her purse calmly and checked the caller ID. Unknown number.

"I guess the Mafia boss is giving me a call. It says unknown." Kendall chuckled and opened her purse again, deciding to put her phone back in.

"Why don't you pick it up?" Cara asked, quite surprised. She kept directing her glance to Kendall for as long as she could before returning her attention to the road.

"I don't know who it is." Kendall replied matter of factly. As if it was the most valid reason one could come up with.

"I don't usually answer unknown numbers. It once turned out to be a fan and I had to change my sim cause my phone never stopped ringing." She explained.

"Maybe it's important. It can literally be anyone. I'd pick it up if I were you." Cara advised, raising an eyebrow to make her point clear.

"Fine.. I guess I'll pick it up." Kendall got her phone and slid her finger on the screen.


She began, careful to see if she's recognised the person on the other end of the line. Meanwhile, Cara smiled in victory.

- Hi. Is this Kendall Jenner?

The voice sounded oddly familiar. Kendall could swear she'd heard it somewhere before. But she didn't remember who it belonged to. And the voice seemed.. Quite distressed, actually.

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