9. Long List Of Ex Lovers

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"What you staring at?"

Taylor smiled as he addressed Kendall, who was intently observing everyday life in Paris from behind the car's window. She had her hand pressed under her chin with her elbow resting on the side of the armrest.


Kendall asked softly. She heard Taylor speak but couldn't make out what he was saying through the million thoughts that were thundering within her mind, blocking any kind of interruption.

"I said what are you staring at?" Taylor smiled and faced Kendall for a short minute before returning his attention to the road.

He was driving himself and Kendall to the party Mike had told them about. It was Friday, both good and bad meanings followed that. Good, because finally they got to experience being at a party and bad, because this meant their week off was over a as soon as it began.

"Nothing. Just.. Paris." Kendall shrugged and sat straighter.

"Come on there has to be something. Anything, really. I'm bored here." Taylor joked. He knew Kendall enough to understand she wasn't being completely honest with him.

"There's nothing-"

Before Kendall could finish her sentence, Taylor interrupted.

"Okay.. Playing everything's cool while it's not. It's alright. Let me guess though. Mmm.." Taylor rubbed his chin in thought for a second before going on. "Are you pregnant?" He blurted out.

"Shut up Jacob Black."

Kendall giggled, finding Taylor's assumption quite amusing. She knew he genuinely hated her reference to Twilight and his role there but oh well. Kendall loved teasing him.

"Don't call me that." Taylor smiled but the seriousness was very much evident in his tone.

"Fine. Whatever." Kendall shrugged innocently, getting a small smile in return.

"What is it though? You know I have the ability to keep my mouth shut." Taylor offered once more. He didn't like insisting much but for whatever reason he felt like it this time.

"It's nothing.. I swear.." Kendall lied.

Taylor shrugged with a smirk, silently telling Kendall he didn't believe any of the bullshit she tried to feed him.

"Jacob Black Jacob Black Jacob Black.." Kendall kept saying that, causing Taylor to finally give in.

"Fine! I'm sorry, okay? You can take whatever secret you have to hell just don't call me that." Taylor glanced at Kendall for a second before looking back at the road. He huffed lightly in annoyance, causing Kendall to smirk victoriously.

"Jesus." Taylor rubbed the back of his neck with a small chuckle leaving his lips.

"It's Kendall." The brunette joked. Making Taylor let out a bark of laughter all of a sudden. He definitely wasn't expecting a response like this.


Kendall and Taylor walked into the party, which was being held at a nightclub, with Kendall holding on to Taylor's arm. She let out a breath she didn't know she'd been keeping once they made it down the stairs.

There were people everywhere, dancing, drinking, kissing, basically, everyone was having a 'good' time. That of course held different meanings according to their definition of that word.

She glanced around the room for a second, spotting a few familiar faces and smiling slightly as a greeting. Taylor did the same, shaking hands with a few people as they walked through.

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