27. Shirtsleeves

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For the first time in a very long while, which was frustrating to no end for both Kendall and people around her, the brunette had a genuine sheepish smile plastered all over her face.

She and Cara had gotten into the limo and as they had discussed shortly along the way, were going to spend the night at Kendall's mansion.

Kendall was leaning her head against Cara's shoulder and the blonde girl had wrapped a protective arm around the younger actress, caressing her skin lovingly.

"I can't believe you just did 'that'." Cara shared as she intertwined her free hand with Kendall's. Events of that night were starting to come to her one by one and as she sat down, she realised how real and grand of a sacrifice Kendall had made.

"I couldn't lose you." Kendall replied immediately as she lifted her head for a moment, and gazed into Cara's blue orbs. "I won't lose you ever again." She assured.

The blonde girl had a grateful and adoring expression on her face. Kendall settled back in Cara's shoulder as the limo drove past the city lights.

"I hated every day without you." The older girl revealed with a softer tone that they had been speaking before. Kendall sat up straight and ran her fingers through Cara's hair. She then, cupped her cheek, forcing her softly to make eye contact by lifting her chin up.

"Where were you?" Kendall asked as she made meaningless patterns on the soft skin of Cara's cheek. "I thought I was going insane. I looked for you anywhere and everywhere."

"I'm sorry I just didn't.."

"Don't be!" Kendall put her forefinger on Cara's lips as a sign of silence. The older girl accepted obeyingly and looked into the brunette's eyes.

"I was a complete bitch at Justin's party. You had the right to be mad at me in every way possible. I won't let you apologise for that." Kendall finished, looking into the core of the blonde girl's eyes.

"I couldn't digest the amount of hatred and heartbreak I felt when I heard you say.. 'That'." Cara continued. "I couldn't stand the idea of you but at the same time, I craved you worse than ever. I hated every day without you." She explained.

Cara came a little closer to the brunette and rested her forehead against the younger girl's'. Lifting her hand, she cupped Kendall's cheek and started caressing her softly.

"What about you? How did you feel?"

"I never disrespected and hated myself for something more than that in my entire life. Worse than that was the thought of never seeing you. I couldn't find you anywhere. I missed you." Kendall shared, unable to hold herself back when Cara was that close.

"I was in Saint Petersburg." The blonde girl revealed, making Kendall's eyes grow wide. She pulled back a little. "Same hotel, your room. I needed to feel you but be away from you as well.."

Kendall silenced the brunette with a passionate kiss that reflected the brunette's love and gratefulness. Cara kissed back as eagerly and wrapped her arms around Kendall's neck.

The brunette pulled back and looked deep into Cara's eyes for a longer amount of time than she would, usually. She studied her face carefully as if she was looking deep into Cara's soul.

"I'm in love with you." Kendall repeated, making the same sheepish smile return to Cara's lips this time.

"I'm in love with you too."

Kendall rested her nose in the crook of Cara's neck as the older girl hugged her warmly. She wanted to freeze time and stay like that forever.

The brunette took a very deep breath, enjoying the warm comfortable silence that had fallen upon them so blissfully. She knew thins weren't going to be smooth at all.

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