Chapter |~5~|

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Why do I listen to Kodaline? All it does is make me sad and encourage me to try to make my readers cry. So, sorry in advance if this chapter is sad af 😝.

Chapter 5: Theodore


After Nico had gone through with Larissa's little plan, he immediately regretted it. The look of raw anger on Will's face made him hurt inside; he hated when Will was upset, especially if it was because of him.

So, now that Will was doing his rounds again, Nico was alone with Will's homework, which was tucked in the corner. Nico tiptoed over to it, careful not to wake the sleeping Percy Jackson, and slid it out of its spot. He bit his lip as he read it.

Gay Rights and If It's Okay.

1: This essay must include your thoughts on homosexuality.

2: This essay must include your thoughts on the gay pride 'mobs'.

3: This essay must include the most recent updates on gay marriage.

4: This essay must include your thoughts on gay relationships in everyday life.

Please note that this essay is due within this week. I would very much appreciate the best work you can provide, and your most honest opinions on this subject.

- Professor Amyide

Nico stared at the assignment. He moved the sheet to see lined paper with only a few sentences written down.

1: My thoughts on homosexuality are very confusing. I would think it's not necessarily wrong, but it's not right either. I just think it's not the persons' choice who they fall in love with, or

Nico frowned. Will wasn't against homosexuality, so he wouldn't be against Nico. But he never necessarily said how he felt about it, and-

"Nico. Put down the paper."

Nico dropped the paper, and turned to look at Will. He was leaning on the doorframe, a stony look on his face.

"I-I was just curious."

"Yeah, well, don't be. This has nothing to do with you, so don't go digging into it."

Will snatched the papers, got on his tippy toes, and put them high enough in the cupboard that there was no way Nico would reach them.

A guy wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans appeared in the doorway. "Will. . . It's Theodore-"

"What room?"


"What room, Chase?"

"He's gone, Will!"

Will blinked. Nico stared at him for a moment, before looking over at Chase. "Who's Theodore?"

"Will's youngest patient so far. He was six. The youngest Will's had other than that is nine."

"I thought. . . What?"

"He's helped with other kids, of course. He just never gets the youngest kids. When a patient is assigned to you, he's assigned to only you. Theo was the exception."

Will was sitting on Nico's bed, his eyes glazed. He put his head in his hands, and blew out through his lips. Nico heard his shaky the breath was, as though he was holding back tears.

Will was obviously too exhausted and depressed to handle many more of these deaths. Nico, who knew exactly how it felt, was determined to help cheer him up.

Patience/Patients ✔️  {~A Nico di Angelo Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now