Chapter |~17~|

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One Month Later.

In truth, Will hadn't expected Nico to be gone. He hadn't expected the note to be on the counter. He didn't expect it to contain an apology. He didn't expect two empty pill bottles. No, he hadn't. Because Nico had seemed happy.

Though Will should know what it was like to be using a fake smile. Acting like you're happy when on the inside your giving up.

He should've realized where Nico was headed.

Hey, Will.

I'm sorry, if you're reading this. I would've been capable of destroying this if I hadn't gone through with it, so don't worry, this isn't fake. But right now I doubt this being fake is the least of your worries. I left because I realized a few things, and I know you probably hate me for the shit I've done.

Don't worry, I don't plan on committing suicide. That would just be stupid. If I wanted to die, I'd be dead already.

I might come back, but don't rely on it. You have a good life, don't let me ruin it.

That's exactly why I'm leaving; I'm just draining you of happiness and you never really seen happy to see me.

I'm sorry this is the first thing you had to see when you came back from your own room, but I honestly need to think because I'm doubting a lot. Yep, bye.


Will had been distracted for the rest of the day, and he still was at seven o'clock at night. He was currently getting ready to give someone a shot, but his hands were shaking. He was a teenage boy who looked about sixteen. His parents had died, but his twin sister was still around.

In fact, she never got sick. He called her and told her not to visit, he'd see her when he was better. His name was Taylor.

Will dropped the needle, leaning on the counter tiredly. "Are you okay?" Taylor asked.

Will nodded, even though his head was throbbing. "I don't think you are," Taylor said slowly.

"I'm fine," Will snapped. His vision became foggy and he rested his shoulder against the wall to keep his balance.

"No- um- doctor!" Taylor shouted.

Will wanted to object but he couldn't as his knees buckled underneath him. With his luck, of course it was Larissa who hurried in and spotted him first.


Death. That's all Will felt; death. His eyes snapped open and he coughed violently, the sudden light causing his head to explode in pain.

Nico was pacing the room in front of him, his hair hanging in front of his face. Though his head snapped over to Will as soon as he'd coughed, he didn't look overly miffed.

"Why are you here?" Will said sourly.

Nico shifted, "They said they'd buried Bianca two months ago and I'm not allowed to see her-"

"Of course that's why you're here," Will snapped.

"-and then I heard something happened to you. You do realize you have the disease, right?" Nico sighed, sitting down next to him.



Patience/Patients ✔️  {~A Nico di Angelo Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now