Chapter |~29~|

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Last chapter was crap. Sorry.

Will wanted to fall asleep, but his anxiety about Nico was keeping him awake. The pale boy had woken up for a minute, but fallen back asleep.

About four hours after the near-death experience, Nico woke up for good. He immediately noticed Will's puffy red eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

"Will. . ." Nico murmured and wrapped his arms around him slowly. His entire body ached when he moved his arms and a sharp jolt of pain shot through his temple.

"I was so scared," Will sobbed.

Nico frowned and closed his eyes, pulling Will close. "Shh, its fine. I'm fine."

"No. You're not fine," Will cried, wiping his eyes desperately, "You're dying. I'm going to lose you, and we can't do anything-"

"Will," Nico cut him off. "I'm okay. Don't think about the negative things, think about the positive things."

Will clambered into the bed next to him and wrapped his arms around him. "I just don't want you to die- it's so unfair."

Nico ran his hands through Will's hair, "You got over Theo dying, you can get over this."

"I wasn't in love with Theo," Will retorted.

Nico sighed, "I'm trying, Will. I want to stay, I really do."

Will closed his eyes and pulled Nico flush to his chest. "I know. But everyone is dying on me. It's so hard knowing those three-hundred and forty-two lives depended on you, and I couldn't help."

Nico buried his face in Will's chest. "I don't want to die on you- I want this to last."

"I love you," Will sighed, feeling Nico's tears on his shirt.

"I love you too," Nico said tightened his grip on Will.

Will kissed his head, "You're beautiful."

Nico blushed, "You've told me that already today."

"I know. And I'm going to continue telling you,"


Will had sat up with Nico's head on his lap, being unable to unhook him from the equipment. Annabeth had come to the hospital because she'd been told Percy woke up. As expected, he still couldn't see.

She was now sitting next to the bed and frowning at Nico. "What happened?"

"He suffocated, I guess." Will said and ran his fingers through Nico's hair gently.

"You guess?"

"I don't know exactly what happened. He couldn't breathe and then his heart stopped for a moment." Will sighed. "I don't even know how they saved him."

"They're probably putting all their resources in him," Annabeth noted. "All of the staff cares about you, and Percy asked where you were. Were you his doctor before he went into the coma?"

Will bit his lip, "Yes. He was always so happy; what's he like now?"

"He's Percy. He's still happy, though he made comments about 'not being able to see my hot face'."

Will chuckled, feeling Nico shift. When the smaller boy lifted his head, he blinked groggily, his hair hanging in his face. Neither of the two had gotten haircuts recently.

"Hello, Sunshine," Will smiled.


"How are you feeling?" Will asked.

"I'm okay."

"All right." Will said, kissing him gently. "C'mere."

Patience/Patients ✔️  {~A Nico di Angelo Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now