Chapter |~13~|

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Okay, I'm so tired, but I'm trying. Sorry if this sucks, because I got back from school totally wiped, but I felt you guys needed an update. *salutes* Enjoy :/: (OMG lel the sign for this persons 'clique'. IM NOT STEALING IT YOU WEIRDOS XD. So OOC I'm going to cri.

~ One Month Later. (Dats Right)

Nico let out a hiss of pain as Larissa gave him his shots. "Nico," she sighed. "Even if I'm pissed at you, I still have to tell you."

"Tell me what, exactly?" Nico narrowed his eyes, as always.

"About the update on your condition. You have Fibromyalgia-"

"Isn't that an old person disease?" (Same, Nico)

Larissa scowled. "Not exactly. We don't think it's fibromyalgia exactly but it's really the only thing to refer to it as," when Nico still looked confused, she continued. "It's a code red symptom, unless your doctor has diagnosed you with something else, such as fibromyalgia. You, Nico, are getting worse with every passing day,"

The bitterness in her tone put Nico on edge, "I'm going to die, aren't I?"

Larissa hesitated. "Well, that depends on you."

Nico glared at Larissa. "Why?" He said heatedly.

"Why are you so pissy?" Larissa scowled. "And, it's because you have to let us treat you. You have to accept the fact that you'll never be fully healed; you have to accept that you'll never leave this hospital. Unless, of course, you get healed, which hasn't happened yet."

Nico was set on being silent now. Larissa stood up, bringing her clipboard with her. She exited the room, leaving Nico to think.

Why hasn't Will been found yet? Unless he was killed and his body parts were spread out, but that's unlikely.

Nico twiddled his fingers, but his anxiety seemed to be firm on its decision to scare him.

"Bring him to the surgery room! Immediately! Go!"

Nico's head shot up from watching his fingers. Larissa had left the door open. He slid off his bed, and walked to the door as quietly as possible. Doctors were yelling orders, and nurses were bustling around. The sound of people's angry shouts echoed through the hallways, as two patients were taken from their room and moved elsewhere. A gurney was rushed into the room, and shout for a surgeon sounded.

They obviously couldn't use one of the spare rooms for whatever this was, because that was still being counted as a crime scene. Over the past month,  doctors were allowed to go back to get supplies, but to patients that hallway was restricted.

"Stay with us, Solace," Larissa hissed as she walked away from the gurney.

Nico's heart lurched. Was that really Will? Dr. Solace locked eyes with Nico, and at that moment, they both knew; the other cared about Will more than they would have thought.

After Nico had torn his gaze from Will's father's, he spun around and grabbed Larissa's arm. He wasn't surprised when she let out a yelp of alarm.

"God, Nico, you freaked me out," she said through gritted teeth.

This thing with Will definitely screwed her up.

"Is that really Will?" Nico said, his voice cracking.

He's my doctor, I'm bound to care.

Larissa's expression softened. "Yeah,"

Nico's heart began to race, and he felt dizzy. "What happened?"

Larissa frowned. "I don't know!" She said miserably, before waving over a doctor. "Chris, what happened?"

The young doctor furrowed his brows. "He was found behind an old warehouse down south. He had multiple bullet wounds-"

Nico must have made a sound, because both Larissa and Chris turned their gazes to him. "-and he lost a lot of blood." Chris finished.

Nico felt as though his throat was closing up. Everything was spinning, but he felt as though he was standing perfectly fine. Larissa said something, but all Nico heard was her voice so muffled, he couldn't even make out if she had said more than one word.

Chris was moving now, but everything was blurry. This felt exactly like it had the first time; the loss of sight and the missing breaths. He couldn't see nor breathe. He was going under and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Larissa's POV.

When the foaming at the mouth started, I realized this wasn't anything that had happened before. The way his eyes squeezed shut in pain, and he clenched his jaw, I knew he had something in his system that shouldn't be there.

I yanked him over to the wall, and leaned him against it. He sank to the ground, and his foam-painted face drooped.

"Nico, can you hear me?"

When he didn't respond, I started to panic. When Will woke up, if he did, I didn't think he deserved to have his favorite patient/crush dead. That would just prove his life was shit.

There was a scream from one of the younger female patients, who was being walked to the bathroom right across the hall from her room.

"Chris, get him to a room!" I said, rather demandingly.

Chris nodded blankly and called one of the other doctors over. The two men carried Nico to a stretcher, and laid him on it.

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