Chapter |~6~|

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If y'all wanna know what inspired this shit, listen to the song I added :P Sirry if this chapter makes you cry. I'm bringing Bianca into this shit.

Will swore violently.

"Will-!" Larissa hissed.

Will just shook his head, keeping his gaze away from her. A blood curdling scream filled the air, and Will stared at Nico.

"You can't help him, Will." Chase said gently.

Percy's head snapped up when Nico screamed again. The sound was one of agony. Will covered his ears and closed his eyes, more because of the fear he would go insane. He knew he would go crazy if he heard that scream too many times. He knew that the fact of knowing he couldn't save Nico, would overwhelm him. The fact that Nico was screaming in pain and Will could do nothing about it.

He felt himself being pulled out of the room. His eyes snapped open and he saw his father staring at him. Will stared back at him, before turning around to back to Nico. His fathers hand holding onto his arm was what stopped him.


"You're not going back in there." He said firmly.



Will opened his mouth to object, but another scream of pain got in his way. When the scream was cut short, Will felt like throwing up. He barely knew Nico, but he was suffering because he knew he was hurting.

Will was in pain, because Nico was his pain. He was in pain, because he knew this might be the end of Nico di Angelo. Will wouldn't deny that when they were alone together, they talked and laughed. He wouldn't deny that he would miss Nico's grin, and his stupidity of stealing from a hospital snack machine.

He wouldn't deny that he would hate himself if he died because Will wasn't there to help Chase. He wouldn't that he would forever blame himself for this, even though it had nothing to do with his absence.

It could have happened to any of the patients; it could be any doctors loss. But it was Will's. Will was the one that would be responsible for the death of Nico, because Nico was his patient.

Will yanked his arm out of his dad's grasp, and ducked back into Nico's room. Chase blocked his path.


"They're putting him in surgery. Something's wrong with his lungs."

"I thought he had-"

"He does. This may be an undiscovered symptom. He's alive." Chase added.

And Will asked the question he was sure Chase was dreading. "For how long?"


Nico's eyes snapped open. He felt perfectly fine; his breathing was steady, and he could see and hear everything. In fact, everything was better than it ever had been.

Everything was perfect. It just seemed too perfect for Nico's liking.

(Do not translate. It will be translated later in, and I would like to keep it a mystery)

"Oh, fratellino. Tu sei vicino alla morte. Non puoi morire, Angelo."

Nico turned around slowly. A girl with dark hair braided over her shoulder stood there, silver encasing her body.

"B-Bianca?" Nico stuttered.

"Hello, Angeló."

Nico swallowed. "Hi."

"You are on the brink of death. Did you know that?" She said calmly.


"Well, fratellino, you must fight if you don't want to see Death."

Nico stared at his sister. "What am I fighting, exactly?"

"That, little brother, is up to you."

"Oh, how helpful."


Will scuffed the toes of his shoes on the hospital floor, his arms crossed. He was leaning back against the wall outside of where they were doing the exploratory surgery, and he still hadn't gotten any updates.

He wasn't permitted to help with the surgery, because he didn't have a medical license, and he was technically an intern.

Will wasn't sure why he cared so much about Nico, but he did. Nico was his most healthy patient, and him dying would mean even his most healthy patients were at risk with death.

Nico was dying, and Will had a chance to save him; but he wasn't allowed to take it. He wasn't allowed to save someone, even if he was more capable than the people who were.

The sound of someone yelling, "Clear!" made Will jump. Sliding over to the door, Will peeked in the small square window. Right as he caught sight of Nico flatlining, he was pulled away from the door.

Doctor Allryn smiled grimly at him, "We told you you weren't allowed to look."


"No. We know this is hard for you."

"Which is exactly why-"

"-you shouldn't see it."

Will leaned against the wall, lowering himself to the ground. He didn't even care if he was sitting on the hospital floor when the building was most full of sick and dying patients.

Doctor Allryn gave a thumbs up to the doctors through the window, and turned back to Will. "He's alive, kiddo. You just need to relax and take some time off. You're putting too much stress on yourself."

Will was about to object when Allryn cut him off. "Go home, Will."

Patience/Patients ✔️  {~A Nico di Angelo Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now