Chapter |~28~|

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Just so y'all aren't confused the next chapter, the title and cover will have changed for this book. Just look out for my user. (The title will be Patience/Patients and the cover will have a cat)

One of the doctors eyes immediately went to Will and he walked around the bed. The flat beep of the heart monitor made Will's ears ring as the doctor stood him up. The reality seemed to hit him as they were leaving the room, and he yanked himself out of the doctors grasp. He hurried back to the bed.

Everything was numb.

He didn't feel the tears sliding down his face. He didn't feel his heart being shredded. This wasn't two months. This was two days. This wasn't fair.

Will heard the door open and he finally came back to reality. Larissa's arms were around him, pulling him away. Will yanked his shoulders out of her grasp and his knees buckled underneath him. The world was spinning around him.

Larissa pushed him away from the bed. "Will! Move. Do you want him to die?"

Will immediately moved away from the bed, allowing her to get to Nico. He leaned against the wall and covered his ears to ignore the droning beep. Larissa injected him with something, and Will felt the sudden urge to stop her.

But he couldn't move. He was numb with the shock. He didn't seem to notice when the beeping stopped. There was a headache exploding behind his eyes and he was worried since he couldn't see Sheila anywhere.

Larissa approached Will again and glanced back at Nico. She cupped his cheeks gently, before pulling him into a hug.

"It worked," a doctor said directly behind Larissa.

She pulled away from Will, "Really?"

"Yeah. If he hadn't gotten here when he did the poor kid would be dead,"

"Would be?" Will murmured.

Larissa wiped the tears off his face. Will didn't pull away, knowing his motivation was absolutely shit. "He's alive, Will. We don't know how long-"

"What?" Will interrupted.

"He's alive."


"We have a temporary cure." She sighed. "We didn't tell you because we weren't sure if it would work. We didn't want to get your hopes up. Nico knows."

Will pushed her out of the way, sitting down on his knees next to the bed. He rested his forehead on the mattress, "You scared the shit out of me, di Angelo."


Will had been given a chair to sleep on, and he was currently sitting there with his head on Nico's lap. His eyes were glued shut, because he knew he didn't want to see the sickly look on the dying boy's face.

Why him?

Why in the world would Nico di Angelo be chosen for such a bad life?


Will eyes burned as he opened them and looked at Nico's face. His eyes weren't moving under his eyelids like they normally did; they were just still. His hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat and his lips were cracked.

Will's vision blurred with tears. Why does the best person I've ever met, get the worst life? The shortest life?
The life full of physical and emotion suffering.

Patience/Patients ✔️  {~A Nico di Angelo Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now