Chapter |~9~|

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Will tapped the cord gently, glancing down at Nico. He was looking pale. More than usual, at least. Will chewed his lip. There were a few men who had come in to put locks on the cupboards that held medications.


Will turned around slowly. His father was standing in the doorway, holding a thin file. "This kid has the smallest file I've ever seen,"

Will frowned. "How did you-?"

"I have a friend," he grinned. "Now, how's death breath doing?"

Will blew out through his lips, ignoring his dad's question. Nico stirred slightly, and Will realized his attention was back in him in a matter of seconds. When Will looked back, his dad was walking out of the room and the file was sitting on the counter.

Will shot one last glance at Nico before slipping away from his bedside. Will grabbed the file uncertainly, carefully opening it. His dad's words seemed true enough, as there was only one piece of paper.

di Angelo, Nico.
Son of di Angelo, Maria.

DOB: January twenty-eighth, two-thousand one.

Taken from their father's care, Nico and Bianca di Angelo were placed in an orphanage that could now be seen as a cult. After seven and a half years in Lotus's hospitality, the authorities were warned of the dangers.

The two were removed from Lotus, but the siblings had seemingly already been changed. Professionals say that the influence from Lotus may have caused severe amn-

Will set the file down, glaring at the incomplete diagnosis. After tapping his fingers on the counter impatiently for a while, Will began pacing the room. He was only supposed to be in Nico's room for an hour every three hours, but he had been called back by confused nurses.

They didn't have the keys, and- Will suddenly froze. Nico hadn't even been phased by his sudden need for exploratory surgery. Will hadn't even noticed that. What a great doctor.

If Nico wasn't actually worried, why would he have overdosed on pills that weren't even his? If he wasn't worried that he would die anyways, why would he try to end it now?

Will re-read the 'biography' multiple times, before giving up and hiding it in the bottom of one of the drawers. Wills fingers twitched. His arms itched for attention. He swallowed and shook his head. He tapped his fingers, trying to get the jitters out.

He thought he could get away with doing it just once, but now he had a sick feeling. But it wasn't because of the cutting itself, but because he wasn't cutting. Will squeezed his eyes shut, gripping the countertop like it was his lifeline.

The urge to just go open his bag and grab the blades was overwhelming enough, but the fact that it was only a few feet away made it all the more tempting. Will's throat felt dry as he swallowed again, this time anxiously.

I'm not like Nico. I don't inflict harm. Will knew there was nothing but blatant lies in those thoughts. He was probably worse than Nico, judging that Nico had tried to end it quickly.

And Will was just destroying himself slowly, and draining his blood drop by drop.

Will shook his head and bit his lip.  Nico groaned, causing Will to visibly jump. He inched back over to the bed, and Nico blinked. His dark eyes narrowed as Will flicked his forehead.

"You idiot,"

Nico scowled. "I wouldn't have done it if you weren't such a terrible doctor that I-"

"Would you stop insulting me for five seconds?" Will cut him off, his chest aching.

Nico was silent for a moment. "I just want to go home. I want to see my sister; but guess what? I can't, and I never will again. I won't even see my mom either."

"What happened to her?" Will said quietly.

Will sensed Nico's walls going up. "She died when I was eight,"

"May I ask how?"


Will pursed his lips. Looking down at Nico, his heart sped up. Shut up, Gay Heart. He's my patient.

"Will," Nico hissed, trying not to feel embarrassed.

"Oh. Right," Will blushed. "Hey, Nico?"

"What?" Nico scowled.

"Do you remember anything that happened between twenty ten and eleven?"

Nico immediately looked suspicious. "Why?"

Will tapped his foot. "Just wondering,"



"I don't remember anything,"

Will frowned. "Do you remember Lotus?"

Nico paled significantly. "Yes,"

"What do you-?"

"Why are you so interested?" Nico snapped.

Will clamped his mouth shut so quickly, his back teeth ached. Nico looked at him, his eyes narrowed.

"Because I want to help you," he said vaguely.

Nico frowned. "Don't waste your time," he said as leaned back in the bed.

Will sighed. "Why won't you let us help you?"

"By us, do you mean you and Larissa and some of the other nurses?" Nico said coolly.

Will tried not to look offended. "No, because Larissa is the last person I'd want to be around,"

"Why?" Nico asked, finding a bouncy ball in his pillow. He frowned, but started bouncing it off the ceiling anyways.

Will hesitated. Should he tell Nico? Doctor/Patient confidentiality? Except, that only worked for patients. "Because when you find out you're a homosexual the day after you sleep with a girl its kind of bad,"

Nico sat straight up, completely forgetting the ball he had just thrown at the ceiling. It bounced off the top of his head and he glared at it as it landed in his lap.

I just told Nico, of all people.


Patience/Patients ✔️  {~A Nico di Angelo Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now