Chapter |~24~|

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I breaking all your little hearts. Sorry. Here's smut. *throws sins and tragedies everywhere*

Nico was silent for a moment, "Drink the water and we'll talk."

Will nodded, bringing the cup to his lips with the support of Nico. The water slid down his throat, almost making him gag. Nico scooted over on the bed, gesturing for him to lay down with him. Will obeyed and slid into the bed next to him.

Nico wrapped his arms around him. "What's wrong?" He asked and brushed the golden locks out of his face.


"For example?"

"Your life. You deserve more. It's wrong." Will murmured.

Nico studied his face, locking gazes with the blue eyed boy. "It's what I'm stuck with. There's no changing that."

Will held his gaze, "That's what's wrong with it. You should get to choose how you want to live."

"I chose to live as a homosexual." Nico said slowly.

"Yeah, but you didn't choose anything else! Death was forced upon you and your family!" Will said miserably.

"Yes. But you make me happy. Do me a favor and do that as long as you can, okay?"

Will nodded and snuggled into Nico's arms. "I love you."

"I love you too." Nico murmured, kissing Will's hair gently.

Will looked up and traced patterns on Nico's pale skin. "You're beautiful," he murmured.

Pink dusted Nico's cheeks, "Thank you."

Will smiled, "You're welcome...Sunshine."

Nico blushed even darker, "Sunshine," he repeated.


Nico hesitated, "You should be sunshine."

"Nah. I'm Sunny D."

There was an awkward silence.

"I'd like some Sunny D."

Will spluttered at Nico's comment, his face dark red. There was a smirk on the pale boy's face as Will almost rolled off the bed. "Honestly, I would."

"Nico!" Will exclaimed.

"Yes, Sunny D?"




"What-" Nico was cut off by Will clapping his hand over his mouth.

"That's inappropriate, Neeks."

"Fine. We'll cuddle." Nico laughed.

(That's the innocent part for some of you. Alternate part coming throughhhh)

Will blushed, "I just said I'm Sunny D. Holy shit."

Nico laughed, "Yes you did. Though, I wouldn't know. I've never seen your magical 'Sunny D'."

"Nico!" Will exclaimed.

"Yes?" Nico hummed.

Will didn't reply.

"Can I?" Nico asked.

"Can you what?" Will inquired.

"See it."

Will's eyes widened, but before he could respond, Nico's hands were on his jeans, unzipping them. "Nico, what-?"

Nico pressed a finger to his lips, "Shh." He cooed, pulling his jeans down to his knees. He pulled the blanket over him.

"What're you-?"

Nico covered his mouth and tugged at the waistband of his boxers. He lowered them to the same level as his jeans and ducked under the cover. He pulled his hand away from his mouth. "Be quiet while I do this."

"What are you-"

Will stopped talking when he felt Nico's fingers wrap around his member, pleasure jolting up his body. He felt Nico's tongue brush over the tip and he lifted his hips off of the bed. Nico looked up at him innocently, his tongue running up the side of the throbbing member.

Will bit his lip to avoid moaning, feeling Nico's tongue wedging itself in his slit. He automatically spread his legs further, allowing Nico to place his hands on his inner thighs. Nico watched the look of despair on Will's face, quickly wrapping his lips around his cock, bobbing his head.

A loud moan cut through the silence as Nico took him in deeper, using his hands to reach what his mouth couldn't. Will moaned loudly, Nico's mouth roaming his hard member. Nico continued to bob his head on his boyfriend, rubbing his thighs soothingly. Will's taste could be described as well- indescribable. Nico sucked as hard as he could, unsure of how he was doing, judging he'd never done this before.

He pulled away just to lower his lips back down, as far down as he could go until Will's tip met his throat.

"N-Nico, I-I'm-" Will groaned.

Nico hummed, the vibrations driving Will crazy. He thrust into Nico's throat right as he released, watching the younger boy swallow his seed. Nico sat up and wiped his mouth.

"That was nice," he noted.

Patience/Patients ✔️  {~A Nico di Angelo Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now