Chapter |~25~|

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Smut warning?

Will was staring at the ceiling as Nico pulled his pants back up, buckling them gently. He pushed some of Will's damp hair out of his face. "Sorry. That was uncalled for."

"It was awesome," Will breathed.

Nico smiled, pressing a kiss to Will's lips. "I love you."

Will returned his smile and pulled him close. Nico snuggled up to his side, his smile growing at Will's words. "I love you too,"

Will turned so Nico's back was against his chest and his arms were wrapped around his small frame. He's so frail to start with.

Will kissed his temple gently, "I think we need to go on a date."

Nico hummed, "But you can't walk and I'm stuck in here."

Will was silent for a moment, "Well, what's something romantic to do while laying in a hospital bed?"

Nico lifted his head, a light blush on his face. "Rephrase that."

Will blinked, "What's something to do while in a hospital?" He said unsurely.

"There you go. I dunno."

"How helpful."

Nico sighed and rolled on top of him. "What do you want wanna do?"

Will shrugged, "I dunno either."

Nico laughed, sitting up with his legs on either side of him. "There are things we could do, but..." he trailed his finger up Will's stomach and to his chin.

Will's heard leapt into his throat. "Like what?"

Nico didn't reply and lowered his lips to Will's neck. Will slid his arms around Nico's waist, closing his eyes peacefully. Nico kissed the column of his neck, gently running his tongue over the skin. He kissed underneath his chin and slid his hands under his shirt.

"Nico, we're still in the hospital. These rooms aren't sound-"

Nico cut him off by pressing his lips on his. "Shh."

Will rolled his eyes and flipped them over so he was on top. Nico looked up at him, dropping his hands to his side. Will gently pulled the smaller boy's shirt off, connecting his lips to his bare skin.

Nico groaned and covered his mouth with his hand. Will kept his laugh to himself, taking one of his erect nipples in his mouth. Nico whimpered and used his free hand to lace his fingers into Will's hair.

The blonde's tongue swirled around the pink bud, his hand pinching the other. Nico groaned, "Will."

(Just a reminder of the fact they don't have any more hospital gowns)

Will grinned and moved his kisses down Nico's stomach. He kissed the light trail of hair poking out of his black jeans. Nico watched him as he pulled off his pants again. "Are you a virgin?" He asked suddenly.

Nico avoided his gaze and nodded silently. Will kissed his forehead, "Do you want to do this?"

Nico nodded again and Will gently pulled his pants down his legs as well as his boxers. "Relax," he murmured, pressing a kiss to his lips gently.

Will gently spread Nico's legs, keeping one hand on his knee. "You sure, Nico?"


Will sighed and looked back at the unlocked door nervously. He ignored it and gently pressed his finger against Nico's tight hole. He's definitely a virgin.

Will deftly inserted his index finger, dropping his other hand to Nico's. Once his finger was pushed in completely, he pulled out and added another finger. He pushed in for a moment before wiggling his fingers, causing Nico to groan loudly. Will pulled his fingers out and added his third finger, pushing in slower this time.

Nico whimpered, trying to get used to the intrusion. Will leaned up and pecked him on the nose, moving his fingers around and brushing his walls. Nico made a strangled noise, pressing back against his fingers. Will pulled his fingers out, just to slam them back in, Nico clutching the sheets. Will repeated this action multiple times, biting his lip at Nico's facial expressions. He poked around inside of him for a moment longer, before feeling his finger touch Nico's prostate. He only knew that's what it was by the way Nico's head lolled back.

Will pulled out for sure this time. He tossed his shirt off to the side, slipping out of his boxers. "You're absolutely sure?"

Nico hesitated, "Yes," he breathed. "I don't want to die a virgin."

Will gave him a flat look and leaned over the edge of the bed, opening the cupboard. He pulled out the lube in silence. "This is your last chance, Nico."

Nico just shook his head, "Just do it."

Will squirted some of the cool liquid into his hand, slicking up his erect member. He sat between Nico's legs, blowing out through his lips. I haven't done this with a guy before, either.

Will gently pressed his tip to Nico's entrance, feeling the tight ring of muscles. Nico whimpered, pressing against Will slightly. The look of pain that crossed his face made Will hesitate. He slowly slid into Nico, wincing at how tight his hole was.

"God, Nico." He groaned.

Nico spread his legs further, his head spinning. The amount of pain plus the amount of pleasure was dizzying. He felt Will stop moving and sat there for a moment, breathing heavily.

"You can move."

Will did so, pulling out completely, before pushing back in slowly, though faster than the first time. Nico whimpered, half out of pain and half out of pleasure.

Nico groaned at the feeling of Will's member inside of him, his eyes rolling back in his head.

Will pulled out again, before slamming in at full force and speed. Nico cried out, pleasure rocking his whole body. Will continued slamming into him, Nico a moaning mess. Will's face was directly above his now, his hand holding Nico's wrists above his head.

"Faster," Nico panted.

Will obeyed, quickening his pace so the bed slammed back into the wall a few times. Will finally found his prostate again, and he slammed his member against it as hard as possible.

Nico made a noise so loud, it could have been counted as a scream. Warmth spread in his gut, and when Will hit that spot again, white streams shot across both of their chests. Will was still slamming into Nico as hard as possible, soon feeling his high. He released inside of Nico, holding himself up above him.

"Holy shit." Nico breathed.

Will laughed breathily, pulling out and laying down next to him. "I didn't expect that to be so good."

Nico shook his head, "Me neither."

Patience/Patients ✔️  {~A Nico di Angelo Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now