Did I mention my love for Michael Vey?

15 4 5

I don't care if there are Mary Sues

I f-ing love this series so much

Especially Jack. Jack is just *thumbs up*

Also Jack/Abigail for liiiiiiife~


Also Ian coolio

I really don't know what to add on...

Oh and Dr. Hatch is worse then both Megatron and Galvatron combined

He's just outright horrible

Like really really horrible

Like a modern Hitler/Stalin fusion horrible

also why does Jack remind me of Armorhide????????


I'll just have to make Transformersonas of these characters then :3

~Fae loves electric kids
~Also funny school story: So, my English teacher this year was my study hall teacher last year, and when he was saying the rules down, he said "No cursing allowed here, understood Fae?"

I wonder if he made that rule just specifically for me...

Well I guess I'll have to watch my mouth...

No promises that is XD

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