[Wishful Moment] Future of Combaticons in TAAO

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*Spoilers for TAAO Issues*

Alright so as you know, I love the Commandos and I love the Combaticons. Obviously, what I'm about to say is probably never going to happen in the comics *cries* But I'll just go with it.

Starscream turns the Combaticons into Commandos.

You heard me right. He should! For te sake of the tiny fandom called RiD 2001 fans!

But it won't. Because that's stupid for Screamer to do that. Unlesssss...

Think about it. He's erasing and rebuilding the memories of five of some of the most dangerous Decepticons in the army [well not as dangerous as other ones but pretty dangerous] AND they're going to be loyal puppies to him.

and if they're not becoming Commandos, then please IDW make them inhibit the loyalty programming. It's the best irony you can ever get.

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