Chapter 1.

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"Mama! Mama!"
An eight year old girl excitedly tugged on her mothers dress trying to drag her over to the window.
"Hyo momma is talking to someone right now show me later."
The queen brushed off the tiny princess before continuing her talk with one of the maids. Hyo stood next to her mother trying to see what was more important than her.
"The red kingdom was attacked!" She paused,"
When was the telegram sent?" Her mother eyes filled with worry.
"It was sent two days ago m'lady." The maids response was quick.
"Go report this to my husband he shall have an idea on how to help the red kingdom until then we shall send our prayers." The queen said before turning to her daughter.
"Mama what happened to the red kingdom ?" Hyo asked.
The queen looked away then back to Hyo.
"The red kingdom was attacked by an unknown enemy. They killed many and exploded a small part of the castle. The king and queen are safe, but they're still looking for the children." She sighed than smiled reassuringly at her daughter,
"Don't worry Hyo we have powerful forces protecting us. Say didn't you want to show me something?"
Hyo eyes brightened up as she remembered the window. She grabbed her mothers hand and ran down to it.
"I wanted to show Rue and Lanz too, but they were practicing fighting with father." Hyo stated before stepping out of the way for her mom to see.
"Ah it's snowing!" Her mother laughed lightly.
"I thought you were going to show me a pigeon. This is nice too." The queen said and the little princess smiled watching the snow fall.
Hyo smiled looking up at her mother, "Mama I love y-" Hyo was cut off with the ground suddenly shaking.
"An earthquake?" The queen asked worriedly. The rumbling was toned out by the sound of screaming and explosions. Hyo didn't understand what was happening.
"Mama are we going to die?" Hyo began to sob. The queen kneeled down in front of Hyo and hugged her daughter.
"Of course not. Now come with me we're going to your father." She said with confidence.
She held out her hand which Hyo gladly took. The two ran down the halls and finally made it to the Kings office.
The sound of the explosions going on were so loud. The Screams of the innocence couldn't be any louder.
The queen slowly opened the door to see no one. She led Hyo and herself into the small room.
The sound of the door closing made them both jump. They turned around to see Hyo's father covered in a dark red substance.
He was being held with a dagger to his neck. He looked so vulnerable and weak. You could hear the queen gasp.
Next to man was a small boy. He look around 10 years old. The two dressed like loyalty.
The younger one took advantage of the shocked queen and sliced her side.
"NO DON't TOUCH MY FAMILY!" The Kings voice boomed as he tried to get to his wife.
"Tsk tsk tsk struggling only makes things worse." The man said signaling the boy to shot him.
Hyo's eyes were open wide with fear.
"Mama.. Papa." She whispered tears streaming down her porcelain face.
The queen army crawled over to her daughter and place a shiny topaz necklace on her lap.
"Hyo I'm sorry." The queen cried. Hyo held onto her mother not planning on letting go. The sound of a sudden gunfire and a grown man hitting the floor echoed through the room.
It was to late for a savior now the king was dead.
Evil laughter filled the room.
"What a stupid man thinking he could save his family." The man laughed walking over to the two girls in the back.
"Aw poor princess with her father dead and a mother on her way it must be soo sad." The ten year old mocked.
Hyo locked eyes with the boy and quickly looked away.
The boy offended looked at his father,
"I suppose it's time. The girl is no fun at this age. Kill the queen leave the girl I'll put her to use one day." He said walking out of the room.
"DON'T GIVE YOUR FATHER ORDERS!" The man yelled than smirked looking back at his prey.
"Listen up princess I am the king of the corrupted kingdom. My son Moku choose to spare you, but we shall leave many scars so you shall live in constant fear." The man chuckled at the last part.
The man grabbed a gun and a branding stamp.
"PLEASE DON'T!" Hyo cried. The man whistled as he loaded to gun and held it the to the queens head.
"Bye bye."
The man shot her right in the head and didn't even flinch. He grabbed a knife and laughed like a mad man.
"No.. NO! MAMA PLEASE." Hyo held her mothers cold dead body . Hyo buried her face in her moms blood covered body. She sobbed so loud. No one could ever hear what happened in this room since it was made especially for meetings or ;) ;).
"Now for the little girl."
He tore off the back of the girls dress easily. He grabbed the brand symbol and heated it up.
Hyo had no more strength to fight back she just wanted to die with her mother and father.
He placed the burning piece of metal on her back.
Hyo let out of sob before passing out.
"Hurry father we must leave before the guards catch us." The boy said not looking in the blood ridden room.

The two princes were taken to the safe room until they were let out. They were told it was safe, but the guards and maids left couldn't find their parents or younger sister.
Once they heard this they began to help search.
"MAMA! PAPA!" Rue called out hoping for a response.
"HYO!" Lanz tried this time but still nothing. "Why don't we try out fathers office they could've hid there for cover?" Rue suggested.
The two jogged down the hall that lead to the office. Lanz was the first to get there and the first to face the horrific scene.
Rue covered his mouth trying not to throw up.

To be continued..
•1056 words

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