#1: Talking About It

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You guys were at a football game, and Louis was very excited. When the team scored, he would cheer so loud the other side of the stadium could probably hear him. When you got home, you got in the shower, and got into your pajamas. You got into bed, and closed your eyes for a moment, thinking. "Lou?" You asked. "Yeah?" "I want you to teach our kids how to play football," you smile. "Is this your way of telling me you want to have a baby, Y/N?" He says smirking, knowing he caught what you were implying. "You know me so well," you giggle. "I'm up for it," he says. "Good, because I was really nervous you wouldn't want to," you say quietly. "You're crazy," he says, pulling you into his side and kissing your forehead.


You were trying to go to sleep, but there was something that was keeping you awake. You had been wanting to talk to Liam about starting your family, but you were nervous that he would be against it. "Babe?" You asked, to make sure he was up. "Hmm?" He hums in response. "I want a baby," you say suddenly. He scooted closer to you, kissing you softly on the lips, "Really?" he asks. You both kissed again, and smiled. "Mhm, I've been thinking about it for a while and I didn't know if you wanted this to or not, and I was just scared to ask just incase-" he cut you off,"Hush, of course I would love to have kids with you," he says, putting his face into your neck, kissing your skin slightly. Now you really couldn't go to sleep, you were to excited about the future that was to come.


You and Niall were at a Christmas party with your family, enjoying some food and catching up with everyone. "So, Y/N, when will you guys have some little ones running around the house?" Your cousin asked, who was eight months pregnant herself. "I don't know, hopefully soon." You smiled. Not thinking much about it because you both get asked that quite a bit, you forgot about it after the conversation was over. Later that night on your way home, Niall spoke up,"I heard you earlier, about having kids soon." He said. You were shocked, and then panic began to take over. What if he didn't feel the same way? "Oh, um, I know we haven't talked about it or anything but I was really hoping we could talk about it soon," you say, stumbling over your words. He smiles,"Darlin', let's have a baby," he says, and you giggle. "I love you," you say quietly, smile still playing on your lips. He takes his eyes off the road for a minute, and he doesn't even have to say it for you to know he feels the same way.


You just got home from your friends house, and you saw Harry sitting on the couch. You sat down, and sighed. "What's wrong baby?" Harry asked. You guys have been married for about two years now, and neither one of you have tried to bring it up yet. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your temple. "Haz, I wanna have a baby," you mumbled. His grip loosened on you, and that's when your heart rate picked up. "I would love to have a baby with you Y/N, I just think we should wait a bit more, yeah? Let's just enjoy some more time by ourselves, we have plenty of time," he says. "Oh, okay," you nod slightly, feeling a little disappointed.


"Hey babe," he said as he came in the door from the studio. "Let's go to dinner?" he asks. You nod, getting up and getting ready as quickly as you can. When you were finished, Zayn lead you into the car and you made your way to the restaurant. When you got there the waiter got you your drinks and took your order. You could tell Zayn was nervous about something, he was kind of quiet and shaky. "Are you okay?" You ask. "Yeah, it's just," he pauses, and you nod for him to continue,"I love you, and I would really like to take the next step in our lives," he says. "I want to have a baby Y/N." You look down from his eyes, a smile breaking on to your face from the sweet words that he just spoke. "I already know you're going to be a great dad, Zayn."

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