#40: Labor - Part 4

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[sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or things like that! If you see one, please tell me! I wanna make this book better as much as I can😊]


"Oh Lou, he's coming, I need to push," you say. "Okay baby, where do you want to go?" Louis asks. You could began to see him getting nervous, which made you nervous. "I don't know, our room?" You suggest, trying to hurry. He picked you up bridal style, and you gripped onto his shirt, trying not to push. The midwife followed you, and Louis set you on the towel covered bed. Luckily the midwife had put them there earlier. "Okay, Y/N," the midwife said. Louis helped you out of the bottoms you were wearing , and laid you back on the bed. "Louis, I need you to come hold her leg please?" The midwife asked. Louis nodded, and pulled your leg back, still holding your hand. The midwife held your other leg, and told you to push. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5!" She counted. You let a breath out. "Again when you feel a contraction," she says. When you did, you squeezed Louis' hand and began to bore down. "Good job Y/N, only three more! This time when you pushed, you felt something release. "Baby's head is out!" She says. "Two more for the shoulders," she says. You nod, pushing down once more as your body expands around the baby. "Last push!" She says. You push down, relaxing when you hear a cry. A baby is placed on your stomach, and you smile. "It's our baby Lou," you say, tears falling down your face.

Cameron Michael Tomlinson; born on March 19th.


"Okay, okay, ow Li, he's right there, call the doctor," you say, eyes widening. Liam sat you on the bed first, and hit the button so a nurse would come. When one finally did, Liam explained what was happening. The doctor rushed in, and helped you put your legs in the stirrups. Liam stood next to your bed, letting you squeeze his hand as much as you needed to. "Alright Y/N, are you excited? Your baby will be here in a few minutes. The next time you feel a contraction, push as hard as you can for ten seconds. And then take a breath, and then push when you feel another one. Okay?" The doctor said. You nodded, and began to feel a contraction. You pushed down as hard as you can, squeezing Liam's hand. You counted to ten, then let out a breathe. Catching your breath a little bit, you began to push again as another contraction happened. The baby's head was being held by the doctor now, and one shoulder began to come out. "One more big push Y/N, you're almost done!" You push down once more, and then a scream fills the air. Your baby is placed on your chest, and you look down at him, and back at Liam. "Dad, do you wanna cut the cord?" Your doctor asks. He nods eagerly, and gently lets go of your hand. After it's clamped, he cuts it. Your baby is officially out into the world.

Hunter James Payne; born August 25th.


Niall grabbed the nearest wheelchair available. He saw the doctor on the way to taking you back to your room, and called out her name. "She needs to push," he said. She nodded, and followed you into your room, where Niall picked you up and put you on the bed. People were coming in and out of the room, while your doctor got prepared to deliver the baby. "Niall?" You said. You couldn't seem to find him in all the chaos. "I'm right here Princess," he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles. "Y/N, on the count of three push, okay?" The doctor said. You nodded. When she reached the, you bore down, face turning red. You squeezed Niall's hand as hard as you could, but he didn't care. "Good job darlin'," he says in your ear, pecking you forehead. You slump back on the bed, trying to regain some breath. Another contraction comes on, so you push again. "Head is out!" The doctor says. "Three more big pushes," she says. You nod. Only three more. You push again, as one shoulder slides out. "Shit, Niall," you say. "You aren't getting near me again." he chuckles. You said it loud enough for only him to hear it, so he's not embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, baby," he says. "It's okay, I didn't mean it," you say, pushing again as the other shoulder slides out. Catching your breathe, you push one more time. An ear piercing scream that can be heard down the hallway fills the room, and all of the nurses and doctors smile. "It's a girl! Congratulations mom and dad," she says, placing the baby on your now empty stomach. "Hi Noel," you say, as Niall proudly cuts the cord, separating you two.

Noel Grace Horan; born May 21st.


They put a scrub cap over your hair, and rushed you into the OR. Harry was handed a pair of scrubs. He quickly pulled them over his clothes as you were numbed and covered up. They drew back the curtain and called Harry in giving him a stool to sit on next to you. "Hi love," he said, kissing your lips. "Hi," you squeak. "Okay Y/N, we're starting," your doctors says. You nod, even though they can't see past the curtain blocking your view. Once they cut your belly open, she says,"you might feel some pressure, and pulling." You looked at Harry, who was just staring at your eyes, lightly smiling. "What are they doing babe?" You say. Harry peers around the curtain. "Looks like they are just looking around," he says. Your arms were strapped down to the table, making sure you wouldn't move. Harry grabbed your hand, and looked around the curtain again. "Okay, baby A is out, it's a girl!" The doctor announces. The room fills with a loud cry, and tears fill your eyes, as well as Harry's. "Addison," you say. He nods, still holding your hand. The doctors go back in, getting ready for your other baby. Finally, about a minute later, you hear another cry, and you smile. "Another girl," the doctor yells. "Layla." Harry wiped your tears, and his own, before kissing you on the lips. Someone brought over your babies, and showed them to you. "Here you go Y/N, your baby girls," the nurse says. Even though it wasn't how you planned, it was perfect.

Layla Mae, and Addison Leslie Styles; born February 23rd.


You lay back, with the help of Zayn, who goes and gets the doctor. She comes in, and brings a team of nurses. "Are you ready Y/N? She asks. You nod, legs put in the stirrups. "Okay, on your next contraction, push!" She says. You nod again. Zayn grabs your hand, and kisses your temple. "Fuck you Zayn," you get your teeth. The doctor chuckles, as does Zayn. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," you say. "It's okay baby," he says, and moves the hair out of your face. "Okay," you say, and began pushing. The doctor counts ten seconds out loud, and you let out the breath you were holding when she reached ten. You pushed a few more times until you felt the head pop out. "A few more Y/N," the doctor says over all the noise. You squeeze Zayn's hand, and whine as you push. "Crap," you say, out of breath. You push once more, before the pain is relieved. A crying noise that can be heard down the hallway is made, you you smile so widely. "Hi baby," you say as a baby is placed on your belly. "It's a boy!" The doctor says. Zayn cuts the cord. You feel another pain, and whine again. "I don't wanna do it again Z," you say. He wiped your sweaty forehead, and mumbles a sorry. You nod into his neck, as you feel another pain. "Okay, I need to push again," you say. The doctor nods, getting everything ready for the new baby. She out a clean towel over your stomach, and sat back down. "You know what to do," she says, and gets ready. You push, and the doctor counts to ten. After about six more hug pushes until another baby is set on your belly. "A girl!"

Mason Shane, and Kaylen Marie Malik; born June 11th.

A/N: omg finally! I know you guys were getting impatient and I really wanted to get it out for you! It's really long to I think so yay😊
your babies are born so congrats😘

Please please please vote! I worked really hard on this one and I think it deserves a tap of a finger from you😊😘

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