#31: Shopping For Baby

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You and Louis were at the mall, searching for some clothes for your baby that was coming in a month. "Lou, slow down, I can't walk that fast," you say, and giggle. He leads you into a baby store, and you began to look around. You find a couple onesies you like, and pick them up. You see Louis has some also, and he walks over to you. "Do you think these will fit him?" He asks. You nod, and take them. "Look at these little shoes, Y/N, they are so tiny," he says, picking them up. He wasn't really talking to you , more to himself. You smiled, and took them. "He won't be able to wear shoes till a few months after he's born, Lou. But we can still get some if you want," you say. His eyes light up, and before you know it, you have a cart full of clothes and random things the baby won't really need, but his dad got it for him anyways.


You just got home with Liam from a huge day of shopping for the baby, since your due date is getting a lot closer. "Now that we have all of the shopping done, you can just relax about everything the last month," Liam said, coming over and rubbing the bottom of your back. "I know," you say,"but we will probably think of more stuff and need to go get it anyway." "Then we can make a list and get it so we don't have to keep going out," he says, wrapping his arms around you and putting his hands on your belly. You leaned back on him and put your hands on top of his. "Okay," you say, and finally relax.


"Niall, shhh," you hush him. "But babe, no one cares!" He laughs. You giggle. "You're being so loud," you say. "What about these?" he holds some binkies in his hand. You nod, "We need more of those." He puts them in the cart and keeps walking around. You had been to caught up in what you were doing to notice he was gone. You turned your head to start talking to him, but he wasn't there. "Niall?" You whispered, hoping not to attract attention. He finally came around the corner with a pink onesie in his hand,"Okay, I think we have to get this one," he says. He holds it out, and shows you the onesie that says I ❤️ 1D. You started laughing and reached in the cart and grabbed the one you had picked out that says the same thing. He started laughing, and as did you. This just proved that you are perfect for each other.


"Everything we buy we have to get two of everything," you say,"but in different colors, we don't want to mix them up," you giggle. You are on your way to the store with Harry, him driving and you in the passenger seat. You were talking to him, but mostly yourself. He smirks, and puts his hand on your thigh. You put your hands on your belly and wait for him to get where you're going. When you finally do, you get out if the car and make your way inside with Harry. You take out the list you had wrote down of all of the things you needed. "Okay, so I was thinking we could always get the lighter colors for Layla, and the darker ones for Addison," you say, and began to look around. Harry nods,"Sounds good." You pick out some onesies, a pink one for Layla and a purple one for Addison. You still have a long way to go.


You smile,"These are so cute." "I know, especially since it's a boy and girl matching outfit," Zayn said, picking them up. You take them and place them over your stomach, one on the right, one on the left. "How do they look?" You giggle. He smiles, and chuckles. "Perfect," he says and pecks your lips. You place the outfits in the cart and begin to look around some more. You pick out some tiny socks, and doe pairs of pants for the babies. "Babe, look what I found," he says and shows you the two baby leather jackets. "Pleeeaaaaassseeeee?" He begs. "You can get whatever you want for them babe," you giggle. He smiled happily, eyes lighting up.

A/N: please don't be mad at me😁 I'm so sorry I haven't updated on ages. This summer has been crazy! Hope everyone's having a good one so far!

Thanks so much for being patient with me!

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