#22: Scare

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Sorry if these sound like other Pregnancy Series, I can't really think of anything so I'm just kind if winging it..


You were sitting on the couch, when you got the sudden urge to throw up. You haven't thrown up in your pregnancy since the morning sickness passed. You tried to get up as fast as you can, and ran/waddle to the bathroom. You hadn't been feeling well earlier, but you just waved it off. Louis ran into the bathroom after hearing you throw up. "What's wrong?" He asked, holding your hair. "I don't know, I just had to throw up," you said, throat burning. When you were done, Louis led you to the couch, laying you down. "Lou, what if there is something wrong with the baby?" You asked. "Don't say that, Y/N, we can't think like that." He said. You nodded. Later on, everything you tried to eat would come back up again. "Louis," you wined,"I can't do this anymore, can you call the doctor?" You asked. He nodded, and got the phone. "Babe, all the doctor said is that you just have to get rest and drink some water," he told you. You weakly smiled,"Okay," you said. You went to sleep, and you felt better the next day.


"Li, stooooppp!" You squeeled. He was kissing your neck, which that is the most ticklish part on your body. Especially with the stubble on his face. He pulled back, and smiled. You smiled, and Liam put his hand on your belly. Usually, the baby would kick or move, but not right now. Liam frowned, and so did you. "I wonder why the baby didn't move, he usually does," Liam said. "I haven't felt him move all day," you said, getting scared. "Li, that can't be right," you said. "Maybe he's sleeping?" Liam asked more than said. "He was moving all night," you said. Liam layed you down on you back, and pulled your shirt up so your bump was uncovered. Liam poked your belly, right above your belly button. "C'mon buddy," he said, kissing your belly. Again, he didn't move. "What's wrong?" You asked, trying to peak over your belly. "I don't know," Liam whispered. Liam helped you sit up,"Let's take you to bed, let you and the baby rest. Maybe he's just resting?" Liam said. He stood you up, and you giggled. "What's so funny?" He asked. He kicked, and it tickled," you said. Liam gasped,"he's alright!" "I knew he was okay," you said.

(Niall's situation was requested by @LaurenWilcox, go follow her!)


You and Niall were setting up decorations for Easter, it was creeping up soon. You had to get boxes from the attic, and if course Niall wouldn't let you. While he brought them down, and told you to be careful several times, he handed you the box. You started to walk with the box, being as careful as you could, but with your big belly and a box in your arms, you couldn't see the shoe on the next step. As soon as you began to fall, you yelped, and the box of things went everywhere as you basically rolled down the stairs. Niall ran down the stairs, and saw you laying in the ground. "Princess, don't move okay? I'm gonna call ambulance, what hurts?" He said, grabbing his phone. "My head..." You said groggily."Babe, look at me, okay? Stay awake, I need you to stay awake for me." He said calmly. You nodded, opening your eyes. When the ambulance finally got there, they put a neck brace on you, and put you on a stretcher. With a women that is not pregnant, they wouldn't do that, unless seriously hurt. But since you are, they wanted to make sure that you and the baby would be okay. You went to the hospital, and they ran some test. After making sure you were okay, they had an ultrasound in the baby. "She looks good, still a healthy little girl." Your doctor said. You nodded, "Thank you." Everything was okay.


"Haz?" You called weakly. You had felt kind if nauseous today, so you had been hanging out in bed. You were now at the doorframe, trying to get your husbands attention who was downstairs, trying to keep your eyes open for one more second after the next second passed. Harry came up the stairs and you grabbed his wrists, trying to steady yourself. "Babe? What's wrong?" He rushed. "I - I don't know.." You whispered. "C'mon, let's sit you down," Harry said. As he was was about to start to lead you to the bed, you collapsed. Luckily Harry was there before you could hit the ground. "Y/N? Y/N!" Harry yelled, trying to wake you up. He quickly called for an ambulance. As soon as they got there they put a breathing mask on you, you were still unconscious. As they lifted you up onto a gurney, your eyes opened. You didn't remember what happened, so you started to freak out. "Harry?" You called. "I'm right here babe," Harry said as he grabbed your hand. "Are the babies okay?" You ask. "We don't know, we have to take you to the hospital now." The paramedic said. They lifted you into an ambulance, and then took you to the hospital. After running some test, they figured out everything was fine. They kept you overnight for observation, but you got to go home the next day.


You and Zayn were sitting at the park, on a swing made for two people. You could tell people were taking pictures, it was nothing new. But what really aggravated you was that the fans kept coming up to to see Zayn and asking for pictures. you would have done the same thing if you and Zayn weren't married, but it just bothered you that they kept interrupting you. You and Zayn stood up to take a walk around, and grabbed hands. Suddenly, this huge wave of girls just ran towards him, separating the two of you. You tried to push your way through all if the girls, but couldn't seem to find him. From all of the pushing and shoving, some accidentally elbowed you in the stomach, causing you to yelp in pain. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Y/N," the girl apologized. "Can you just get me to Zayn, please?" You asked. "Sure," she said, and grabbed your arm. "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY Y/N IS COMING THROUGH AND SHE NEEDS ZAYN." The girl yelled over everyone. You were still in pain, but she actually got you to Zayn faster than you thought she would. Zayn led you to the car, and then finally you were able to tell him about the babies. He took you to the hospital, blaming it all on himself. While the technician was doing an ultrasound, she said,"Babies look really healthy, everything is perfect." She said, and smiled. "Thank you, let's go home babe," Zayn said. "Yeah, let's go home."

A/N: okay I know Niall's is about setting up for Easter but I did his a couple of days before that so don't judge!

Thanks for voting and I love you all😘

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