#15: Tour Series- Part 1

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You both laid in bed, and Louis just watched you. Louis is so appreciative of what you're going through to have his child with you. Louis jumped as his phone rang, and he hurried to answer before it woke you up. "Hello?" Lou answered. "Hey mate, Perrie said she could stay with Y/N while were away." He said. "What?" I asked, obviously confused. "Management didn't tell you? We have to go to America, and do interviews and signings and stuff in like a week and a half." He said. "No, they didn't." Louis said, clenching his jaw. You're pregnant, and he told himself that he would be there to protect you. Now he wouldn't be able to keep his promise, and if anything happened to you or your baby he would never forgive himself. "Zayn, I can't go. Y/N needs me," Louis declared. "I know mate, but you'll have to talk to management, I have to go. Seeya later man," Zayn says, hanging up the phone.


Liam woke up to see you, sitting there going through your phone. "Hi babe," Liam croaks, and rubbed his eyes. "Hi Li," you giggle. "Your morning voice is so attractive," you say, and put your phone down to lay down with him. "Thanks," he chuckles. Your bump was touching his stomach, and Liam could feel the baby kicking. He put his hand on your belly, and rubbed it until the baby calmed down. "Thank you," you sigh. "I have a meeting today," Liam remarks. You nod, closing your eyes. It's eleven now, the meeting is in half an hour. "I have to get in the shower, I love you. Both of you," Liam smiles, kissing your lips, and then your belly. You nodded again, hand on top of your belly. Liam got up, and took a shower. Once he was done, he left, and headed to his meeting with the boys and management. Heading inside once he got there, sitting down with everyone. "So, as you guys know, the Where We Are Tour is starting soon, but we need to get it there, get people excited. So, you guys are going to America for some interviews we have at up, next month." Simon begins, getting to the point quickly. "Wait a second, Simon. Y/N is pregnant, you know this," Liam said as calmly as possible. "I'm sorry, but there's no way you can miss out on this."


"Princess, are you in here?" Niall calls. "Yeah," you answer inside the bathroom. Niall walks in, and sees you sitting in the bath tub. "How are you feeling?" He is asks. "I'm okay, just taking a bath," you say, and sigh, rubbing your bump, which now pokes out of the water. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Mhhmm, just relaxing." You hum, and looks up at Niall. He nods, and stood up, kissing your lips before walking out of the door. Niall just got told he has a short tour next month, how is he supposed to leave his pregnant wife here by yourself? He knows you both have family to help, but he just really wants to be there for you through it. "Niall?" You yell. "Yeah, babe?" he walks into the bathroom again. "Will you get in with me?" you ask. He smiles, and nods. He got in, and sat behind you. "I love you," Niall says. "I love you more," you say, and smile, playing with his fingers.


Harry stared intently at the wall, it suddenly becoming interesting. He had just figured out that he had to go on tour in two weeks. What about you? "I don't know if you forgot, but Y/N is pregnant. I can't leave her right now, she needs me," he says, and turns to Simon. "Harry, you don't have a choice." Simon declares. "I'm sure she will understand, and plus, it's only for two weeks." Louis says quietly, trying to make his friend feel better about the situation. "And I know how you feel. I had to leave Perrie for a month," Zayn said. "Yeah, but Y/N is having twins. What if something happens while I'm not here? She can't do this alone, she shouldn't have to. I can't leave her alone," he says. "Harry, she's only six months," Niall said, taking a drink out of his water bottle. "Fine, but if she's upset I'm having her call you to deal with," Harry says, and walks out of the room.


"Z, Louis is on the phone," you say handing Zayn the phone, and then leaving the room. "Hey, mate. What's up?" Zayn asks. "Nothing man, why weren't you at the meeting?" Louis asks. "Y/N wasn't feeling good, what did they say?" Louis sounded kind of nervous. He sighed,"We have to go on a promo tour for Where We Are, next week. And before you say you can't go, you have to, no getting out if this one. Sorry bro," Louis said. Zayn had a lump in his throat,"It's okay man, thanks." Zayn says, and hangs up. Why would Management do this? They know that you're pregnant. They know I don't want to leave her. "Shit," he says under his breath, and ran his hands through his hair. He walked downstairs, seeing you make dinner for the both of you. He decided to tell you now, just so he can get it out of the way. He felt so bad that it had to be like this.


A/N: Hi babes! Updateeeee. So I'm not for sure how long the tour series will be, we will see. If you have any requests, comment.

I love feedback, if I have made something you don't like, please tell me, and I'll try to be better next time!

If you loved it, or if you didn't, please vote! Almost to 1k votes!! Yay!


(edited 1.4.17)

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