#6: Telling Family

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"Hey boo," Louis said as he walked in the living room. Your mum was on Skype, they lived in the US, while you and Louis lived in the UK. "Hey, Lou, let's tell them." You said, and he made his way over to you. He sat next to you, and prepared himself for this. "Hey Louis, how are you doing sweetie?" Your mom asked. "Really good, what about you?" He asked and looked over at you. "Fine, thank you," she smiled. "So mum, we have some really good news for you," you smiled. "You do?" She asked. You nodded. "Me and Louis, we are having a baby!" You said. "What?!" Your mum squeeled. "This is so great! My first grand baby!" she said. You giggled, feeling really excited. "Calm down boo, yeah?" Lou asked. You giggled, your mum was still going crazy. You pressed your foreheads together. "Love you," Lou said. "I love you more," you said. "Not possible," he said, cheekily. You both had forgotten about your mm still in the computer screen. "You guys will be wonderful parents," she said, interrupting your perfect moment. "Bye mum!" You cheered.


You and Liam were on your way over to his mum and dad's house. You were going to give the news at Christmas. When you got there, Liam was so giddy. "Li, are you okay?" You giggled. "Yeah, just excited." He said, and smiled. As everyone took their seats with their plates of food, you nodded at Liam telling him it was time to tell everyone. You both stood up, and everyone looked to you both."Liam cleared his throat,"Umm, me and Y/N have an announcement," you both smiled. "We're having a baby," you said, happy. Everyone cheered, erasing your nerves. Everyone got up to hug and congratulate you both. You talked with all of the girls of the family, and about your baby and what's to come.


You and Niall wanted a unique way to tell your parents, so you decided to take your pregnancy test, and put it into a bottle. You put the bottle in a gift bag, and when you got to their house, you put the bag into your purse. Your mum had made tea, am you and Niall sat on the couch across from your mum and dad. "So, we have a surprise for you guys," you said, and put your tea down. You got out the gift bag, and gave it to your mum and dad to open. She had a questioning look on her face, but began to open it anyway. She saw the bottle, and smiled. Then she saw the pregnancy test, and she squeeled. "My baby is going to have a baby!" Your dad finally caught on. They both stood up, smiling. You have your dad a hug, him whispering in your ear, "You'll be a great mum, Y/N, and I'm proud of you and Niall." You smiled, and kissed his cheek. Your mum and Niall hugged, her hand patting his back. She was now crying, and you made your way over has she let go of Niall. "Are you okay?" You smiled. "Yes, just extremely happy." She said, and gave you a hug.


"Hey Harry, hey Y/N," Anne gave you both a hug. "How are you guys? What's new?" His mum asked. The main reason your visiting was to tell his mum about the babies. "Actually, two new things." Harry smirked, and you giggled. He jumped right into it there, didn't he? "What?" Anne asked, clearly confused. "We're pregnant," you said shyly,"with two little ones." You finished, smiling. Anne covered her mouth with her hands, smiling. "Congratulations!" She said, and brought you two into a big hug. "How far along are you?" Anne asked. "The doctor said about one and a half months." You smiled. "Well, I think I have some pregnancy books, you want to go take a look?" Harry's mum smiled, just as happy she was getting not one, but two grand babies. "Sure, but can I take a short nap first, I'm exhausted. I haven't been getting very much sleep lately." You explained, feeling bad for turning her down. "But I promise we can look at them right after I wake up." you said. Her smile grew bigger, "of course darling, don't be sorry. I understand." she said, and took you to the guest bed room, Harry following short behind. As you got into bed, Anne left the room. Harry was about to turn around, and leave also so you could have a nap to yourself. "Haz?" You said, and he turned around worriedly. "What's wrong?" he asked, walking over to you. You reached out to him,"Snuggle with me." You said, and he chuckled getting into the bed with you and your babies.


You were laying on the couch, eating a snack and watching t.v. Zayn walked in, phone in hand. "Hey babe, you feeling okay?" You nodded, your phone ringing. "Hello?" You answered. "Hey honey, it's mum. I was wondering if your doing okay? Haven't talked to you in a while, since last week I think." She said. "I'm doing okay," you started, Zayn almost walking out of the room. You forgot your mom was on the phone, "Z, can you come lay down with me and baby?" You asked, your ear to the phone. you realized what you just said. You heard a gasp,"Y/N, your pregnant? Oh my gosh! This is so amazing. My first grand kid, I'm getting old. I'm coming out to see you soon!" Your mom said, yelling at your dad to come in there. She told him, and they were both excited. "Bye Y/N, call me if you need anything." Your mum said,"love you." she finished. Zayn got underneath you, and you layed on top of him. "Love you," you said too him. He put his hands on your still flat belly, and you put your hands on top of you. "I love you, both of you," he kissed your temple.

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