#26: You're Insecure

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You sighed, you hadn't even worn the dress, and yet, it was your favorite of all if the maternity clothes you owned. You sat down, with nothing on but a strapless bra and underwear, and let the tears roll down your cheeks. The dress didn't fit. Liam was in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. He came out, to see you all red eyes and puffy cheeks,"Darling, what's wrong?" He asked. You sniffed your stuffy noise,"It doesn't fit, I only bought this a week ago, it doesn't fit," you threw the dress down. Liam grabbed you wrists, and held them in your lap. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, him crouched in front of you on the floor. "It's okay, we'll go get you some new clothes," he soothed, rubbing your arm. "Liam, it's not about that," your voice sneaked at the end. "It's about that I can't fit into anything, Liam, I'm fat," you say. "You are not fat, you are beautiful, and pregnant. You are basically growing a child inside you! Isn't that amazing? Our child, right here," he said, and put his hand on your belly. You lightly smiled, wiping the tears away. "I need some clothes though," you said, and giggled lightly. "Of course, babe. Here, where this for now and some leggings, I'll get them for you," he says. You smile. He grabs one of his shirts and a pair of leggings, it's kind of funny that he picked an outfit out for you. "Let's go get you some new clothes." He said, and leads you to the car.


You sat in front of the mirror, looking at your face. The pregnancy has made your face break out a little, and you didn't like it one bit. After your teenage years, you never really got acne, luckily. But now? You hate it. Tears welled your eyes, and you rubbed the tip if your fingers over the bumps. You think your imperfect, that nothing can make you look any better. The truth was, you were far from imperfect. It was just a symptom if the pregnancy. Louis walked into the bathroom and saw you looking at your face. "Babe," he sighed, running his hands through his hair. Your hand dropped to your side, as you started to cry. He walked up to you and gave you a hug, and you out your face in his chest. "It's okay, they're not as bad as you think, you can hardly notice them," he says. He's right, you barely have any blemishes. It's just that you see them, and that all you focus on. You nodded, and made a vow to try to think better of yourself. "And anyway, I still love you," he said, and you giggled. He always made you feel better.


You sighed, looking in the mirror. There were stretch marks on your stomach, from your baby growing inside of you. You knew it would happen, and you had even used stretch mark prevention lotion your entire pregnancy, but it never seemed to work. You ran your fingers along the purple lines that showed you how you keep getting bigger. You didn't realize that you were creating a life, growing another human body inside your own. Niall came out of the closet, and you continued to rub the lotion on your stomach. A tear fell down your face, and then they kept coming. You hates them. "Princess?" He didn't know why you were crying, you just shook your head. "I- I have these marks all over, and no matter what I do, they just keep appearing," you say. Niall's heart broke, he couldn't do anything about it, he couldn't fix it. But he could try to make you feel better. "Y/N, they are there to show that our baby is growing, and in a couple of months, she'll be here," he says. He thinks the idea of you being pregnant is amazing, but you just don't right now. You nodded, wiping your tears away. "You're right," you say, quietly.


You were sitting on the couch, rubbing your bump, which is still growing as both of your babies do. You had your feet on the coffee table, and as you stared at them, you just kept getting more angrier. Harry walked and saw you scowling at your ankles. "Y/N?" He asked. You looked at him, and tears filled into your eyes. "No, no, no, what's wrong?" He said quickly, and hurried over too you. "I've gained five more pounds these past two weeks," you say, and the tears overflow, running down your face. "Hey, it's okay, and you didn't gain five more pounds, our babies did," he says, wiping the tear a off your face with the pad of his thumb. "And your beautiful," he says, and kissing your lips, before kissing the peak of your belly.


You and Zayn had planned to go out to lunch with yours and his parents, just to see them. You were planning what you were wearing in the shower, as you washed your stretched out skin. Your twins kept moving, liking the feeling if the warm water. You smiled, you can't wait until they are here. Zayn got in after you, and kissed the skin under you ear. He wrapped his arms round your stomach, putting his hands on both side where your babies sit. Your smile dropped, and you removed his arms from your stomach, tears I'm your eyes. You tried not to think about it, but when he does things like that it just reminds you. "Babe? What wrong?" He asks. "I just don't like it anymore," you say, shortly. "Why not, you used to love it?" He questioned. "It just makes me feel big," you shrugged. "You are not big, darling. Far from it. You are gorgeous." He says, and kisses your neck. He makes you feel better, and you smile. Of course not 100%, but it still builds your self esteem. "Now c'mere," he says, and wraps his hands around you like they were before.

A/N: sorry it took so long! Been busy lately. But school gets out this Friday and I can update a lot more.

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