#28: How You Sleep

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As your belly grew, you found it more comforting to lay on your side towards Louis,. You had no idea why, it just helped with your back pain. You always get hot so you kick off the blankets, Louis still resting under them. Your hand protectively on your bump, light snores escaping his mouth, you both wake up feeling refreshed the next morning.


You And Liam stopped cuddling close together once your bump got bigger. By the morning most of your blankets end up on the floor as a result from you both moving around so much, and you tossing and turning from not being able to sleep. Since you guys didn't cuddle, you still liked knowing Liam was near you. You always held his arm, his hand on your bump.


He liked to have you close, knowing that you and Noel are safe. You always started out a little bit away from him, he knew you got uncomfortable when you tried to fall asleep. After you did, however, he would grab you and pull you closer, and by the end of the night you were spooning with him.


You and Harry both have to lay on your right side, for some reason. That's just the only way your comfortable. You uses your arm as a pillow, and had to scoot up so it wasn't laying on Harry. You would put it on his pillow, and he would move it all night, but you always still find a way to use it.


You and Zayn would always start on your backs, but as the night goes on, you begin to am toss and turn. Zayn hates it, he wakes up everytime, feeling like you're getting up and leaving. He finally puts his arm over you, and it somehow always makes it's way up to your neck. You love it though, it makes you feel safe.

A/N: i couldn't find one with a pregnancy pillow😑 so yeah, I'm putting the series on tumblr, it's yournotharold

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