I. First Contact

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"What did Lowen say?" I asked my husband as I sat across from him at the cold metal table. He looked tired and angry as he loosely held one of my hands in his.

"Says they haven't really got anything. They haven't found a body, they're assuming he's dead and considering that they found out he was stalking you and that you were my girl, they've decided that I must have killed him" Alex said angrily. Of course both he and I knew he had infact killed him. But that wasn't something we were about to own up to in a prison visitation room.

It was the first time I'd seen Alex since our wedding, which had been 6 painfully long days ago. I hadn't been allowed to visit him while he was being held in Charming and I wasn't given permission to visit him at Stockton until this morning. Looking at my husband I suddenly felt a surge of hate for the sick, twisted man that had forced himself into my life all those years ago. Even in death he found a way to tear my life to shreds. For the first time in my adult life I had been truly happy. I'd just married a man I loved, a man who would walk to the end of the earth and back if I asked him to, I had been preparing myself to tell that man that I was going to have his child and then the whole world had been wiped out from underneath me.

Instead of spending my wedding night at home making love to my new husband, I spent it crying on Gemma's sofa while she and my mother took shifts to try and console me. It was around 4am that I had revealed my delicate state to my mother and she had insisted that I visit the hospital to ensure that everything was okay as stress could be particularly harmful to a young foetus. With Tara's help I was being checked over by 7.30 the next morning and clarified that I was approximately 5 weeks pregnant and that everything appeared to be going well. Upon leaving the hospital I had driven straight to the police station and asked to see my husband. The Sheriff had informed me that I wouldn't be able to visit him until he was moved to Stockton, which should be the same afternoon. The next day I had contacted the prison and been told that Alex wasn't allowed visitors until he had completed his questioning. I had called the prison everyday, getting more and more frustrated that they wouldn't even let me speak to him. Jax had been trying to win favors with some of the people inside, however as the club was moving towards a straight living he found they were holding less and less sway in the gangland politics. I had also spoken to Lowen everyday, while she couldn't tell me specifics about the case yet, she had tried to calm my nerves and had told me that she was confident that Alex could walk away from this.

"You'll be out of here before you know it baby. This is all bullshit" I said stroking my thumb along his hand.

"I know babe" he sighed, "I miss you" My heart broke to hear those words come from him.

"I miss you too" I whispered, trying to fight the tears back from my eyes, "So does Ranger" I half laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"Like hell he does, he'll love having you all to himself" Alex smiled, "How you been anyway?"

"I'm okay" I tried to say convincingly, but the look he gave me showed me he knew I was lying. Having Alex in lock up was difficult enought. Not being able to talk to him was maddening. And I still hadn't told him about the baby, I didn't know if I should bring it up. Would it just make it harder for him being in here? Would it give him something to look forward to? It was still only the girls that knew, I had made them swear not to tell their husbands and they had agreed, but they had told me that I should tell Alex. I wanted to, I just didn't want to make things harder. This wasn't the place I wanted to tell him that I was expecting our first child. "I'm as okay as I can be" I sighed.

"I'm so sorry baby" he whispered, I could hear the guilt in his voice.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for" I said sharply as I squeezed his hand, "You've done nothing wrong Alex. This is all bullshit."

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