XV. Plan A

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"Do we really have to wear this shit?" Happy grumbled at the woman who was currently taping a wire to his bare chest.

"Yup" Heath grinned at the unhappy biker, "Whenever you meet these guys I want to hear everything that's said"

Heath had arrived at the clubhouse a week ago, he was our liason between the three government groups that were now targeting the IRA. Today was the first time that he had brought anyone else with him, and the two women who were fitting us all up with wires looked like they'd rather be anyone else.

"How is the investigation going?" I asked as I buttoned up my shirt.

"Good" Heath nodded, "We've found a few IRA safe houses, haven't got any idea if An's in any if them, but we've got some good targets. They're all under surveillance now, and the FBI have managed to get the Irish authorities to co-operate with us as well, so we've got our eyes on them all the way back to Belfast"

"So how does this go down then?" Jax asked.

"I've said it before guys, this isn't a quick fix" he sighed in response, "It will be a good few weeks before we have a solid plan that could actually work. As much as I'd like to raid every building associated with the IRA to find my sister, I promised that we would do this as part of a terrorism investigation, so until the FBI has their evidence we won't be going in"

I know it wasn't Heath's fault that it would take so long, and it was admittedly alot shorter than it would be if we were trying to get her back, but I'd hoped when he arrived that she'd be back with me by now. I hated having to go back to Gemma's every night to see my son, knowing that I still hadn't managed to bring his mother home. I clung to Braxton whenever I could, as the only reminder I had of the wonderful woman that I so desperately wanted to see.

"I know this is rough man" Heath said as he came to lean against the pool table with me, "But she's tough, she's probably giving them hell" he laughed and I lightly smiled in return. I hoped she wasn't, because if she was they'd be giving her hell in return, and I'd seen the physicality of the Irish before, I didn't want to think of Anya being subjected to that.

"I just want her back" I muttered quietly.

"I know, and you know I'm going to help you make sure that happens" he clapped me on the shoulder as he went to check on the tech that they were attaching to us.

"Do you think Galen will be there today?" Juice asked Jax.

"No idea, he's been avoiding us for a while now, so doubt it" Jax shrugged.

"Just thought we might get to hear from her again" Juice responded sadly. Juice missed Anya just as much as the rest of my brothers. Anya was the only person that didn't treat him like an idiot, she always had a word of praise for him. In all honesty she completely mothered him, but I don't think Juice minded at all. He was the only one she called 'hun', done in the same tone that Gemma would use when she called Jax 'baby'. Juice's whole happy demeanor had slowly declined over the last month, in an odd way it was like watching a child whose parents hadn't come to tuck him into bed, he pouted and frowned and looked a little like a moody teenager.

Everyone was suffering from the seperation in their own ways. As far as Bobby was concerned he'd lost a daughter, and I'd never seen the man more broken yet determined as I had in the last few weeks. Bobby worked relentlessly, saving up his own money along with the money that we made from the gun trades to put towards the money that we were handing to the Irish. Everybody had reached into their pockets to start adding to the pot, but Bobby was on the verge of selling his house and living in the clubhouse when Heath had arrived.

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