VIII. The New Aďdition

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"Congratualtions guys it a-"

"- BOY!"

"A boy?" Alex half asked as his jaw hit the floor and tears built up in his eyes. Tara grinned and she lifted the baby to rest him on my chest. My arms instinctively raised to cradle him to my chest and I could feel the tears that left my eyes as I looked down at our creation. His face was contorted as he cried and I raised my hand to gently stroke the fine layer of dark hair that was already present on his head, the movement settled him and his cries became whimpers that shook his tiny body. Alex raised a hand and placed it softly on our son's back, running his thumb gently over his small shoulders. "He's perfect baby" he whispered as he leaned down to place a kiss on my forehead. He rested his head against mine as we looked at the baby and we stayed like that for a few minutes, tears silently rolling down our faces as we savoured the moment, forever committing it to memory.

Tara left afterwards to sit with the small congregation that we had been informed was waiting for us. She left with a smile on her face as she promised not to reveal the baby's gender until Alex came to see them. We wouldn't even tell her the babys name seperate from the group. Braxton Alexander. He was perfection and there was no doubt about it. Shortly after Tara left the midwife lifted Braxton from my chest to complete all of his checks, clean him up and dress him. I then had to deliver the afterbirth, something that Alex was happy to look away from, instead doting on his newborn son. An hour later I had been checked and double checked before I made my first attempt at breast feeding Braxton. For a first attempt it went quite well and when he was finished he was handed into the loving arms of his father while I was allowed to shower quickly. Once I was dry and changed into cosy loose fitting pyjamas we were moved to the maternity ward where I was settled into a private room. Before Alex went to tell the group that was filling the waiting room we decided to call my parents. Tara had informed that I had gone into labour early but I wanted them to know before anybody else.

"Alex? Alex? Is everything okay?" my mothers anxious tone flowed through the speakers of the phone.

"Hey Imelda, everything's fine, Michael with ya?" Alex grinned.

"I'm here" I could hear the nerves in my fathers voice.

"Well we wanted you to be the first to know-" Alex's voice was cut off as Braxton began to fuss in the plastic bassinette that rested at the side of the bed. I heard my mothers gasp of happiness as she heard the sound and I couldn't contain the grin on my face as I stood to lift him into my arms. "Figures he'd introduce himself" Alex laughed.

"He? He's a boy?" My dad asked happily.

"Mom, Dad, please welcome to world, you're first grandson Braxton Alexander Trager" I smiled as I took my position sitting on the bed next to Alex, our newborn son wrapped in my arms. My parents cried happily over the phone for another ten minutes before they informed us that they would be in California before we knew it. And soon it was time for Alex to announce the news to the rest of our family.

Tig's POV

It took all the strength I had to not turn back into Anya's room as soon as I'd left it. Despite the fact I knew I wouldn't be gone lone I still couldn't bare the thought of leaving them. So I pushed myself to go forward and to make the news quick. Arriving in the waiting room I could see all my brothers, their partners, my darling daughter Fawn, even Sheriff Roosevelt appeared to have dropped in for news. As soon as I entered all eyes turned to me as they waited, expectantly.

"A boy" I all but whispered, but my voice carried over the silence in the room and for a few seconds everything was quiet as everyone processed the news, before a raucous cheer broke out and everyone moved forward to express their congratulations. I was pulled into hugs by my brothers, a clap on the shoulder from Roosevelt before Fawn approached me, tears in her eyes and wrapped her arms around me.

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