XIII. The Irish Flag

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"Here you go Mrs Trager" Patrick smiled politely as he placed a plate of toast and a mug of coffee on the nightstand.

"Thank you Patrick" I half-smiled. Patrick was the name of the young man who had taken me from my home, and he had strangely become the only person I didn't hate in this entire building,

"Galen is going to meet your old man today" he said quietly as he stood by the door. My head shot up. I had been here for three days now and it was the first time I had any news about what was happening outside my door. I asked Patrick for news everyday, I asked about Braxton, about Alex, the Sons but he never told me anything.

"What's happening? Have they agreed?" My mind was pulling me in several directions. The Sons had worked hard to get free of the IRA and if losing my life meant that they could carry on with the lives they had built in the last year, then I would happily head to the afterlife. But deep down I knew it wasn't that simple. If the Sons refused then the IRA would just kill me and move on to another family member, killing thoughtlessly until the Sons finally caved.

"That's what the meeting is about. Clay just delivered the message, he called about twenty minutes ago, organised to meet them with Galen this afternoon. Galen wanted me to talk to you about it" he spoke nervously, like he was afraid of my reaction, "it's more than likely that your husband will want to hear from you when they meet. Galen will call so that you can speak to him, but there are some rules" he sighed heavily, "You can't talk about where you are at all. You can only tell him that you're safe and that you haven't been harmed. Nothing else. If you try to say anything stupid I have instructions to shoot you in the back of the head" he ended his speech quietly. Patrick didn't sound too enthused about the instructions he had been given, but it was becoming apparent that in the IRA that didn't matter. You did as you were told, or you didn't live to see the next day.

"Okay" I said quietly. I was in no position to argue here, throwing my weight around would only result in a bullet to the brain. Patrick said no more as he quietly left the room. I could only pray that Alex managed to keep his cool, if he acted rashly he could find that a bullet was instead aimed at him.


The air around us seemed to vibrate with an angry tension. We had arrived at the meeting spot ten minutes ago and we were yet to see the black jeeps that represented the arrival of the Irish. I couldn't get my head round everything that was happening. It was like it wasn't real, like I was having an out of body experience, I could see everything that was going on, but I couldn't understand how all the pieces fit together. A few minutes later the jeeps began to pull into the secluded field.

"Mornin' gents" Galen grinned as he stepped out of the first jeep. He was soon followed by Clay and several other men, "Lovely day isn't it?" his tone was light, like he hadn't ordered my wife to be kidnapped and my house burned to the ground.

"Cut the bullshit" Jax spat as his lip curled in anger, "How does this go down?"

"Well I'm glad you're back on board" I could see the smug look in his eyes as he thought he had beaten us, "it's very simple as far as I'm concerned, you boys owe me $6 million. And you're going to deliver it. You go back to being our distributors, but you won't be taking any of that money home. You hand every cent to me until the $6 million is paid. After that we go back to our original arrangement, you buy wholesale and then whatever you make in sales you keep"

"And if we refuse?" Jax's voice was cautious, trying to see how far he could push the Irish. Despite the fact I understood why he did it, I was still angry considering pushing the Irish on this occassion could cost me my wife.

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