XXX. The Long and Winding Road

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Teller Automotive was a hive of activity. Scantily clad women were running around with their heads down, trying to avoid the glares of the Queen and Queen Regent of SAMCRO. They carried bottles into the bar, they swept, they mopped, they cleaned, they did every single thing they were told, because today was not the day to argue with either of ther top women.

Chibs was overseeing the hanging of a large banner over the garage doors. The large white words stood out against the black background of the sign. "Welcome Home". And it was about bloody time. It had been almost three years since this whole thing started. Three years since Anya Trager walked out of their lives.

"You'll be careful yeah?" Chibs frowned in concern as he helped Anya, or Hannah he supposed he should call her now, place her last bag in the truck.

"You make it sound like I go looking for trouble!" Hannah scoffed in return.

"You've been kidnapped twice!" Chibs shot back with a smirk.

"Not on purpose!" Hannah gasped in fake horror, "I don't go looking for trouble, it's just very good at finding me"

"Of course it is," Chibs chuckled as he wrapped the small woman in a tight hug.

Across the lot, Bobby was making sure that the overly impressive SAMCRO fire pit (which in reality was a feeding trough, painted black, with 'SAMCRO' cut out on the side) was lighting. Today was a celebration, a reunion that had been three years in the making. His daughter was coming home.

"I'm going to miss you papa bear," Hannah whimpered into his shoulder, the night before they were due to leave for Rogue River. She had joined Gemma for several drinks, and was now a little bit worse for wear.

"I'll miss you too baby girl," Bobby returned roughly as he held her in a tight embrace.

"What if they all forget me?" she fretted with a hiccup.

"They could never," Bobby assured as he patted her shoulder consolingly, "They love you honey, they're never going to forget you! Anyway, you'll be back before you know it!"

The young woman nodded with another hiccup, as Bobby tried not to laugh at her. She had the face of a kicked puppy begging for love, and it was simply adorable. He was either going to laugh or cry, and he was hoping not to shed tears in front of her. It wasn't long before her chuckling husband came to collect her and put her to bed.

"No! Higher up! Dammit prospect can't you do anything right!" Gemma Teller shouted at the frightened looking young man, who could be no older than 19.

"I'm sorry ma'am" he stuttered as he climbed higher up the precariously perched ladder to tie a string of bunting to the top of the clubhoue.

"Ma'am?" Gemma shouted offended.

"Sorry Miss Gemma," the prospect stuttered, looking about ready to accept his death, rather than be subjected to another moment of the tyrany that Gemma was dishing out.

Once she was satisfied with the height of the bunting, Gemma began to scan over her list to make sure she had everything. Balloons? Check. Bunting? Check. BBQ? Check. As she rushed around making sure everything met her almost unattainable high standards she could only scoff at the thought that the recipient probably wouldn't even notice.

"Keep an eye on Bobby for me?" Hannah asked with a frown as she glanced over at the bar.

"You know I will," Gemma smiled trying to subdue the young woman's fears.

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