X. Family Time

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"Pass me the carrots please Chrissy" I asked the blonde pornstar to my left.

"Sure thing Annie" she smiled as she moved to grab the carrots from the counter. Chrissy was a nice girl, a little dim, but nice. I'd met her when I'd taken a trip to Red Woody a few months ago and the bubbly girl had instantly got on my good side. What she lacked in intelligence she made up for in good-heartedness. A sentance I never thought I would say about a pornstar - but I don't think anything has worked out in my life the way I thought it would. And I was perfectly okay with that.

I was currently stood in Gemma's kitchen helping to prepare the family dinner. The kitchen was full of people running around preparing Gemma's biggest dinner yet. I did feel quite bad that the pornstars, croweaters and escorts that had taken time out of their lives to come and help with the preparations wouldn't actually get to stay. Family dinners were just that. Family. And unfortunately these girls didn't make the cut. I suppose they all helped out hoping to catch the attention of one of the boys but I still felt bad about the whole situation.

"No touchy!" I playfully scolded, slapping Tara's hand as she made to grab one of the pryaniki biscuits.

"No fair" she pouted.

"If I let you have one then I have to let all the girls have one, and if I let all the girls have one then there won't be any left for the dinner" I laughed and she nodded laughing in agreement.

"I said cubed" Gemma said exasperatedly as she loomed over a petite red-headed escort who was busy chopping potatoes, "God do I have to do everything around here" she sighed dramatically causing me and Lyla to giggle, "Keep giggling like school girls and I'll put you over my knee!" she threatened playfully pointing at us.

"Not until I get my video camera you won't" I heard a teasing voice laugh just seconds before Lyla appeared.

"Please you couldn't afford me" Gemma laughed.

"I love that the answer wasn't a straight up no" I joked ducking to avoid the raspberry that Gemma sent hurtling towards my head.

"I bring you girls into my home, my family and this is how you repay me?" she pouted. We all laughed as we circled around the older woman in a group hug shouting, "We love you Gem!"

"Sorry little man but it looks like mommy's all hugged out" I heard Alex's voice from behind us. I turned to see him stood by the counter with our six month old in his arms.

"Never get enough Brax cuddles" I grinned as I moved quickly over to him as Braxton reached out for me. "Hello baby!" I said in a high pitched voice as I cuddled him close.

"Hey honey. I had a great day by the way" Alex said sarcastically as he grinned at us.

"Shut it Trager" I grinned in response as I punched his arm.

"You all saw it! She beat me!" he said loudly, making a show of rubbing his arm and pulling an overexaggerated pained face.

"Tigger I'm surprised she hasn't killed you! We'd all understand if she did" Gemma laughed at him. Alex just laughed in response as I put an arm around his middle, pulling him into a one armed hug as I balanced Braxton on my hip.

Half an hour later we were finally settled at the dinner table. Easy chatter flowed around the room as everyone ate. Braxton sat in a highchair between me and Alex and was angrily mushing a banana with his chubby fingers. A bowl of brocolli and potato puree sat forgotton in front of him. I'd been feeding him homemade purees for the last few days and he'd so far been a good eater and had swallowed every spoonful I gave him. However, brocolli and potato had apparantly been a no go as the monkey had made his face turn red by holding his breath every time we tried to give him a spoonful. He'd since been a little dramatic, pouting as his eyebrows furrowed, clearly not pleased with his current situation.  Braxton's mood suddenly disintegrated even more as he started bawling and bashing his little fist of the highchair tray.

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