VII. Tiny Footprints on our Hearts

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A/N Before I start I would like to apologise for it taking so long for me to update. I know I'm an awful person. I've just had a rough couple of weeks at work, and I've been working every hour god sends, but I will be updating today and tomorrow in an attempt to make it up to you all. Please keep voting and let me know what you think of the story so far. Do you think they will be welcoming Braxton Alexander or Darcy Leigh? Let me know what you think!

3 Months Pregnant

"Peanut butter! Lots and lots of peanut butter!"

"That was a given baby! It's about the only thing you eat now! What I meant was is there anything else you want from the store"

"Errrrrrrmmm no. But that may be subject to change, I'll call you"

"Okay baby" I laughed as I left the house. The cravings were starting to settle in now and she could never quite make up her mind about what she wanted. The baby bump was just starting to show and I honestly had to say it was the greatest thing I'd ever seen. Anya laughed at my fascination with it, I was forever running my hands over her stomach, it was where I placed my hand when we slept, I'd hold it when I hugged her and kissed it any opportunity I got.

I had even (much to the mockery of my brothers) started reading pregnancy books, making sure Anya stayed away from certain foods, didn't drink to much caffeine, stayed away from smokers. Anya laughed me off a lot of the time, I could tell she was going to be one of these mom's who just took to it like a duck to water. She wasn't worried at all, she had this whole thing down. Me. I was freaking out, I hadn't been there for my girls and I was desperate to be there for this baby. Fawn had taken the news well and now called almost everyday to talk to Anya about it.

Everyone was excited. Happy's mom was knitting for us. Jax and Ope talked constantly about being uncles. Bobby was like a proud grandfather showing her off every chance he got. This baby was going to be spoiled rotten.

4 months pregnant

"So everything looks great" Tara smiled as she moved the wand over my stomach, "Growing normally, no signs of abnormality"

"That's great" I grinned as I held onto Alex's hand, he grinned in response placing a kiss on my hand.

"So" Tara started coyly, "Do you want to know what you're expecting?" I smiled at Alex. We'd talked a lot about this over the last week because we knew we could potentially find out today.

"Nah" Alex smiled down at me, "We'd like it to be a surprise"

Tara smiled at us both, before printing a couple of pictures for us to show off to the boys. The baby looked so tiny and I could feel the tears build in my eyes as I looked at the product of mine and Alex's love.

"It's beautiful baby" Alex whispered, gripping my hand a little tighter and pressing a kiss to the side of my forehead.

"I wonder who they'll look most like?" I asked quietly.

"Baby I'm praying to every God there is that they look like you" Alex joked.

"Everybody is" Tara laughed quietly and I giggled as Alex made a mock hurt face at her.

5 months pregnant

"I just don't see why we need to move" Anya sighed as we sat cuddled on the back porch.

"I want a place that's ours baby. Not yours, or mine, ours" I whispered the last part as I ran my fingertips over her expanding belly.

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