Preview: There Is Hope - A Jackson Teller Romance

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"You'll be fine Jax" I whispered reassuringly, as I stretched a hand over the table to cover his, rubbing my thumb gently along his. Jax seemed shocked by my action, not too surprising since I was shocked myself, but still his eyes widened a little before his face fell into a soft smile as he moved his hand to wrap his around mine and give it a squeeze to show his appreciation at my gesture. His hands were warm and calloused and his skin felt amazing against mine. I wanted to move my hand away but I couldn't bring myself to do it, especially not when his blue eyes fluttered up to meet my green orbs. I don't know how long we sat there, Jax gently encasing my small hand in his much larger one, but neither of us looked away, I could see so many emotions in his eyes, pain, sadness, hurt, apprehension but underneath all that I could see a small twinkle. Something happy waiting to burst out from all the negativity of his life. Suddenly coming to the realisation that I was holding hands with a client, I quickly coughed and withdrew my hand, looking away as I tried to fight of yet another blush. "Well, I'll be in touch. I'll let you know when you'll see me next"


I sighed as I closed the door to the house. I was desperately trying to convince myself that she was just trying to be nice, to support me. There was no way that she had the same growing feelings that I did, she was far too good for a guy like me. But I had seen the blush on her face, she too hadn't been able to look away as our eyes had met across the kitchen table. I'd also heard her breathing pick up as she realised how close we stood in the doorway of Abel's room.

I ran my hands down my face in agitation as I headed back to the boy's room. Wanting this woman would get me nowhere. She wouldn't settle for a guy like me, not to sound arrogant, but a lot of women found me attractive, didn't mean I was the guy they saw a future with, and something told me that Evie wasn't into the 'quick fling' type of romance, an even more shocking thought was that I somehow knew, if it ever did happen, that wouldn't be enough for me either.

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