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Undyne pov.
(Didn't see that coming, did you?)
I was walking on the cold floors of the CORE. I was looked at by monsters, fear clearly writen on their faces. I glared back at a few. They were smirking for some reason. I stoped and took a quick glance at my left. Behind a wall, was a monster. He stared fearfully at me. I begun walking to him. The monster was Monster Kid. He begun trembeling at the sight of me aproching. I summoned a spear. I held my hand above my head, ready to strike but.... then I realised what I was doing and droped the spear forcing it to dessapear. I took one last glance at him and realised something. He was no longer a kid. He was 3 quarters my hight. I sighed and pat him on the head gently. He's gaze softened and he looked into my eye. I walked away from him only to stop about 2 feet away from him.
"You should hide M. There are monsters in the underground that wouldn't show you mercy. Go back home." I said not turning to face him. Then I heard footsteps slowly leaving the area. I don't even know why was I out of the castele. It's not like anything changed anyway. I was heading back to the castele. When I stoped. I rememberd something that was keeping me from going completly insane. Her face. Her sad smile. Her stuttering.
I was searching in the trash dump for a sword. I wanted to train with Asgore, so I needed something to..... fight with. I couldn't fight on one on one hand combat because Asgore would take me down imediatly. I kept searching until I found a sword stuck between to bags. I pulled it out only to see it was broken. I sighed in defeat and threw away the broken sword. "It was more usefull if it wasn't broken" I muttered to myself turning away to leave, but before I could take another step, I spotted a short, yellow (ew. Sorry.) lizzard, sitting down on the edge of a path looking down on a waterfall. I aproched her slowly.
"Hey.......what 'you doing here?" I asked softly. She turned her head to look at me. She wore round, thin glasses.
"Oh....h-hey.....I-I-I was just.....t-thinking.....h-he-eh....I-I'm Alphis.....wh-what's your na-name?" She stutterd akwardly. I just smiled softly, wich she returned only it was a sad smile. "I'm Undyne. Nice to meet you....I guess..." I replied ,walking to her. She slowly stood up. She was cute.
"You like waterfalls? Awesome. Me too." I stated. She noded. " I c-come here a-all the t-t-time.... to think....." She said softly. We sit down and talked for hours. She was so nice. And smart. And sweet..... well.....she was...
                Flashback over.
I was smiling uncountiously. (← is that how it's written?) I headed back to the castele....thinking abou her....she was.....the best.....I loved her.....but.....she was taken away........
                    Time skip.
Your pov.
I shot up, awake from a nightmare. I looked around and realised I was in the skelebros house. On their chouch. I tryed to remember the nightmare and suceded. It was the day poor Alphis was killed by Frisk. But instead of him it was me. I killed her. I had the toy knife in hand. A tear went down my face from my visible eye. Eye sobed (*grin* pls don't kill me....) softly into my hands. A few seconds later I realised eyepatch was missing....... I gasped loudly and coverd my right eye with my hand..... I stood up from the chouch and begun to search for my eyepatch. I cursed under my breath repeatedly while searching. Damn. I didn't think to bring more eyepatches with me, in my backpack. "UGHHH!!" I yelled in frustration. I couldn't find it anywhere. Also......I have....a very short temper. I keep working on that but my temper never shorts down. (Hehe) The entrance door swung open. It was Sans. I sighed still keeping my hand over my eye. I walked over to Sans. I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it. "Hey, kid. Why are you handing onto that eye?" I frowned. "Something wrong kid?" He asked, concerned. "Sans.......where's the eyepatch.....?" I asked dangerously low. He sweatdroped. My frown deepend.
"Uh......I dunno. Ask Paps. He took it off." I gasped. "Did he saw it....?" I asked with winden eyes. "SEE WHAT, HUMAN?" I turned around to see a sleepy Pap coming downstairs to us. "PAP! Where's the eyepatch?" I asked.
"Eyepatch? Oh....the eyepatch...." He said lower this time, eyeing my right hand. (Wich was over the eye) "Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god.....Pap.....I have to put it" I said muttering the first part. "What? Why kid? Lost your eye or somthin'?" Sans asked from behind me. "No....I didn''s not such a preety sight......not at all actually.....and it's preety dangerous.....for me at least.." I said truthfully. "Huh? Why?" Sans asked...(I'm using that a lot, am I?) "Look. I'll tell you, if you give me back the eyepatch." I stated sighing and closing my other eye. They both sigh in defeat and Papyrus goes to his room. Seconda later he comes back with my eyepatch, handing it to me. "Thanks..." I smile sadly. "Guys can you turn around? You don't want to see it." They did as asked and I put my eyepatch on. I told them to turn around and they did. Sans's eyesockets were empty. My ears flattened and my expretion turns into one of worry. He notices it and he's puppils apear back. He shakes his head as if telling me not to worry. I nod and walk over to the soft sofa. Sans plops next to me. And Paps next to him. "Now. Tell us." Sans said. I sweatdroped. "Well.......when I was on the surface shit excuse of a step dad killed someone important.... we were both in some kind of team. But the team consists of 3 half monster-hibrids. The 3 have unique powers. One has one trait from every god, one has one trait from every angel and one has one trait from every deamon. The two, -angel and deamon bearers- even had wings. But when the angel bearer died my right eye shatterd. Only magic held it 'together' the gaps between the pieces are still visible...." By the time I finished the little story, hot tears were making their way down my cheeks. The brothers starred at me in shock. Eyesockets winden. "O-oh... sorry kid...." "N-no... it's okay you didn't know. *sniffle* heheh..... well... at least he's dead now.... my da-no Jiro I mean..." i trailed off. "How did he die? " Sans questioned. My cold eye starres at the Tv. Wich isn't on. "I killed him. He was gonna try to steal my god powers. I repeat. Try. Not everyone can do that. Only the next generation can. He? He's no next generation. He was way older than me and he wasn't a hybrid." You said flatly.
Sans and Papyrus starre in an understanding way. " Yeah.... he also killed my fammily and best friend." They tilt their heads. " You see... when a 'special' person becomes broken or insane.. their magic power increases. That... he wanted absolute power or something. But... whatever." I responded to their mental question. "Welp. I'm going to meditate over my temper. I'll come back later. I'll be in that clearing if you need me." And with that I left to the clearing.

HT Sans X Monster Reader X HT CharaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora