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It feels like it's been forever since I've last updated. Well.. Here We Go!

Third P.o.v.

Once the trio stood up, [Name] was sure to entrust Chara her knife with the deal that he will not kill Undyne even if she kills [Name] first. Of course, the knife would just turn to dust once her soul leaves her body, but it didn't matter, he would still try to kill her even with his own fist.

"Come on. We have an entire monster population of monsters to save!" She exclaimed excitedly. The thought of seeing one of her best friends again was exciting and terrifying in the same time. But still, she wanted so badly to know how much she's changed and how powerful the woman they once called the head of the royal guard has become. 

Suddenly [Name] crashed down on her knees upon hearing a distant spear making it's way to her head. The way the spear cut through the air made the sharp sound even louder making the possibility of her hearing it higher. And just by that, [Name] understood the power the empress held within her own body. "Oh, but there's no need for you to come to me. I'm already here. " A voice sounded down the hallway, doubling as the end of her sentence came. 

The woman's tone was loud and cracked as if she hadn't used her voice for years. As she stepped closer to the thrio, the ground shook, cracking the pillars that held up the ceiling bit by bit. Finally, Undyne stepped out of the shadows of the hall to reveal a huge version of herself. 

What [Name] hadn't noticed until now is that the material the chain-spear was made of was the very same material her knife was made of. Only her knife didn't glow like Undyne's spear did.
At that point, [Name] started feeling inferior which she wasn't stating the fact that she was practically a god amongst monsters, humans and hybrids. Her only weakness was that she could die from any kind of attack used on her just like every other mortal creature on that same planet.

In a swift movement [Name] rose from the ground and smiled menacingly and mockingly up at the monstrous female. "That's not how I remember her at all." Sans stated in a serious tone. "Nope." Chara agreed looking up in awe at the female (cough cough fish cough cough). Sans's eye sockets were empty and his left eye switched between an electric blue and a stunning orange (yeah.... I hate orange and especially pink), Chara's eyes had turned turned black while the red irises had remained, accompanying him with black liquid coming down his rosy cheeks.

And finally, [Name]'s form was now backed up a bit, engulfed by transparent flames, forming up a huge wolf while the white of her eyes had turned black and the [eye color] of her eyes had turned white. Only now, [Name] was playing fairly Undyne's dirty game. 

A loud growl escaped the wolf's throat, getting both the skeleton's and the human's attention to her

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

A loud growl escaped the wolf's throat, getting both the skeleton's and the human's attention to her. Both their 'eyes' widened in shock at the sight of the beloved female being the powerful monster she is now. What was the most obvious thing to observe on her whole form was that mischievous grin planted on her face and the determination her eye held. If someone had to conquer her determination at this point, not even Frisk would be able to stand against her. But even so, the empress had enough determination to stand a chance against the wolf because... she had in her control the six human souls.

HT Sans X Monster Reader X HT CharaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora