Please don't go.

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Third pov. 


Where am I? The girl asked herself. All she could see was darkness. Her head was throbbing horribly and her body felt empty. She felt like she weighted as much as a feather does. A voice started talking behind her. Then another and another and another. At that point so many voices were talking, it was almost impossible to understand whatever they were saying. Her head begun to throb worse to the point where she would start screaming. But she didn't. Instead she called out for help. She called out to the only person she knew would always come to her rescue. She called his name. But he didn't show up. She called again and again, hoping he would magically appear. But nobody came.

She was left alone in a abyss of darkness. Suddenly the voices stopped and something collided with the ground before her. She looked down, brushing away the bangs out of her eyes. It was a heart-shaped, golden locket, the chain that was keeping it was black. She bent down on her knees and picked it up. She stood back up and begun to rub her thumb on it. Somehow it felt familiar. Strangely familiar. The softness of it's material sparked memories. 

'"Do you think we'll be best friends when we'll grow up too?" The little girl asked. Aya looked at her for a moment before grinning a wide toothy one. "Of course! And by then we'll have made many friends! So we can build even a bigger snowman than this one! It will be so pretty! We'll even make it a looooong fluffy scarf that will fit us too!" She exclaimed happily while rolling the snowman's head in the little clearing, making it bigger as the snow stuck to the snowball. Y/n was sticking coal to the snowman's belly making them look like actual vest buttons. "Yeah! It'll be so cool!" Y/n yelled out with a closed eyed smile.'

As she was remembering the good times, she didn't notice herself crying and whispering incoherent words. Something soft tapped her shoulder. She looked up and saw someone she thought she would never see again. She thought she was lost forever. Aya stood in front of her with a gentle smile on her face. She raised a thumb and wiped Y/n's tears away. 

Y/n opened her mouth to say something but before she could, a hand clasped her mouth shut. Y/n looked surprised for a second, that.. until Aya begun to speak. "Shhh... He'll hear you." Confusion was all she could feel. Who will hear me? She thought with a raised eyebrow. They waited a minute or two before Aya removed her hand from her mouth. But who would hear her was no longer a question she thought about. Her mind was filled with a million other ones. 

There was silence for a while before Aya decided to speak again. "Remember when I gave that to you?" Aya asked softly. Y/n took a glance at the golden locket and then looked back at her best friend. She nodded slowly, asking herself why Aya would question her memory. "It was a nice day wasn't it?" The girl nodded again, this time with a more cheerful expression. 

'"Happy birthday, Y/n!" Her best friend yelled from behind her, scaring the hell out of her. She jumped forward colliding with the chest of a guy she was talking to. He didn't even flinch. She turned to Aya instantly, ready to scold her, but as soon as she saw the locket in her hands, her eyes softened and she brought her into a tight hug. "You remembered! Thank you!" The guy laughed softly from behind them. Y/n broke the hug and glared at him. "What are you laughing at?!" She yelled. The guy rubbed the back of his head and laughing nervously. "Um.... because... you were cute?" She crossed her arms and turned her head to the side, blushing lightly. "Ah-ha. SUuuuRe" Aya popped her head on the side of her shoulder and laughed. "Tsunnn~~dere~~~"'

They smiled gently one to another as they remembered that beautiful day. It was her birthday. She was turning 16. And the locket was the most beautiful gift she got. She loved it so much, she wore it everyday. That, until Aya died.

Footsteps made their way to both of them. Aya turned her head to the direction of the footsteps and said, "Oh-oh. He's coming." before she vanished into thin air. Red footprints were left behind the man who was approaching. She took out a knife and readied herself to attack but lowered it when, out of the shadows, the man whom she would apparently have to fear came running towards her. He slashed with a dagger but she dodged it calmly, stepping out of his way. Her turn. She threw away the knife she was holding, showing him mercy. The man froze for a second before slashing at her again. She dodged again just as calmly.

When her turn came, she looked at his features. He resembled her step father. The man she used to hate so much. But there was no point in hating him now. He was no longer able to hurt anyone. Not her not others. He was just a lost soul who needed to be pulled out of the darkness. 

She chose to talk. "You can't hurt me anymore. Just give up. You need to understand that you can't kill me." He grinned creepily. "Can't kill you? Yes. Perhaps not. But making you kill yourself is." He slashed again and she dodged. "For how long are you going to hunt me? For how long are you going to consider me your prey?" She spoke softly. He didn't speak this time, just frowned and slashed faster resulting in her dodging again. "Even if you get me now, how are you going to 'kill' me in my dream, how are you going to get me to kill myself?" He grinned widely and begun to explain how he would take control of her body and then make her burn herself.

"Well. Looks like I have to join the fun too." She told him as she summoned her sword. "Good luck with that, sweetheart."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Use your imagination)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*SLASH* "Was that enough for you to understand that you cannot beat me?" She asked him, looking down on him with a sad frown. She held onto the sword's handle with one hand and onto the blade with the other. The edge of her sword was dripping with blood. Indeed, he didn't succeed in 'killing' her.

But there was one thing he didn't understand. Why didn't she finish him off? Why would she show him mercy? Why? So he decided to ask her. "Why don't you just finish me off? Why do you keep on showing me mercy in the end? You did it in the past, when I was still alive. And when you realized I wouldn't give up, you killed me. So why won't you do it now?" Her eyes softened and she smiled gently. "There's no point in doing so. Someone once told me that even the worst people can change if they just try. So I believe you can change too." She said softly. 

He was taken aback by that. He's eyes widen as blood begun to drip from the corner of his mouth. Y/n quickly bent down to her knees and put her hands on his belly. Where she had cut him. A green glow surrounded her hands as the wound begun to close. Her step father looked at her in disbelief and gratefulness. She began to shake of fatigue. 

Once his wound was closed, she stood up and offered him a hand. He hesitated and she gave him a reassuring smile. He extended a hand and she grabbed it pulling him up, into a hug. Jiro looked down at her in astonishment as she was tightening the grip around his torso, but only slightly. Bittersweet tears started falling down on his cheeks. He couldn't believe it. After murdering the people she loved, he was still given mercy. He smiled sadly and wrapped his hands around her too as he fell to his knees along with her. 

They stood like that a few minutes before he finally spoke. "I don't wan't to go." She gripped him tightly as she felt his hands fall from her back. He begun to feel himself lose his senses. His body was slowly turning into spheres of energy. They were spreading everywhere like fairy lights would. 

A magic circle appeared below the both of them emitting a purple mist mixed with black mist. It raised from the ground to the nonexistent sky. Sour tears streamed down her face as her father was vanishing. He begun to slip out of her grip and raise into the air. Just before he would disappear, he mouthed a 'move on...won't you?'.

As he completely turned to spheres of energy, she began to sob out loud, covering her face with her hands. But she didn't notice the light around her slowly turning golden, as it should be.

~Dream end~ 

Sans's pov.

A dark light radiated from her. It seemed to come from below too where a magic circle stood. The mist soon turned golden and slowly brightened down into nothing. Her sleeping figure was curled up into a shivering ball and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Her voice could be heard between her sobs. "Please don't go."

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