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He turned his head back forward and hummed in response. There was silence once more between the two of you. You could only hear the crunching of the snow from underneath your shoes. You lied, didn't you? Chara asked bluntly. You frowned, knowing he was right. By now I think we all knew you were lying. But it was no time for things like that. And you knew.

As you were getting closer and closer to the skeleton brother's house, Sans begun to slow down by each step he was taking. Eventually he came to a stop and after a few more steps, you stopped too. "Do you think you can save everyone? Without dying? Or hurting anyone?" You turned your head enough to see him, facing the snow and empty eye sockets. "Do you want me to say it honestly? Or say it at all, anymore?" You asked. He shook his head. Sadly, even if he did say yes, you wouldn't have had the heart to tell him your thoughts. You fear the day you'll get to Undyne's castle. You fear that you may be forced to hurt her. Or the fact that she wants to kill you and rest of the humanity. 

The crunching of the snow could be heard again. Sans begun to approach you. Once he was right beside you, you started walking along side with him. One more step and another pair of footsteps echoed through the snowy town. A monster was approaching. Weird sounds echoed through the air as it walked. It was approaching both you and Sans with bloodthirsty grins. Yes I said grins. 

He had five faces which seemed to be placed in between it's six legs. The monster's body was white except the gaps that formed the five faces. The way he looked at you made you understand what he really wanted. What he craved for. The monster enters a fight with you. 

He doesn't give you a chance to pick through the buttons as he attacks you with arrows. They aggressively cut into your clothes and skin as blood begins to spill. But you don't give up. You gain composure and press the ACT button. 

ACT    *Amalgamate    *Call out

You call out to the Amalgamate. The amalgamate shifts closer to you. "I won't hurt you." You say hoping he would stop attacking you. But to no avail, he kept shooting arrows with no hope of dodging them. Sans wanted to interfere but you didn't let him. Because he has one HP you couldn't get him hurt or get him into the fight. Once again, the arrows begun to cut deeper into you as you tried dodging them. Finally when it was your turn, you could barely move as you were laying on the floor slowly loosing health because of blood loss. You stretched your hand forward to press ACT but couldn't. You summoned the sword and sticked it into the dirt. You gripped it's handle with one hand and helped yourself up. As you gained balance the sword vanished into thin air like glitch. You pressed ACT.

ACT    *Amalgamate    *Smell

Chara's eyes widen and he shook his head furiously telling you not to do it. But it was too late. 
"H..hey you. Take a good sniff here." You told him. The amalgamate bent it's head down and sniffed your hand. As soon as he sniffed you he backed away slowly with it's head lowered and sat down on the snow. You sighed in relief and fell back on your butt on the snow. The amalgamate was still horror looking but at least he wouldn't attack you. You begun to feel tired. The blood loss even got you dizzy and all. You could feel your eye closing. Sans rapidly came by your side and tried healing you. "o-ok. try staying awake u-until... until i'm done...." Since he suffered from depression for some time, his healing magic lacked strength and he didn't bother using it. Not that he would need it anyway. 

Alphys once said that the type of magic you're using is generated by your personality and your kind (skeleton, frog, dog, cat etc. etc). So Sans's magic type would be magic bones and healing magic because of his kind and lazy nature. But he is also very strong because even when he lost hope, his brother remained that one spark of light that would hold onto his soul. That would give him one last hope. It's nice. Isn't it? To have a one last hope? And that to be your brother?

The magic worked slow and you were rapidly falling asleep. He kept telling you to stay awake and you tried with all the determination you had... but your body worked against you. No matter how much you would try you would always close your eyes for at least a few seconds before opening them back up. And for as long as you kept your eyes closed you could feel sleep's sweet embrace. You craved for it but death couldn't take you away. Not this time. Not now when you could save your friends. When you could set them free. When they could be happy. And you struggled to stay away for their sake. You could fell your wounds slowly closing and your cheeks warm up from Sans touching your body.

When you were no longer capable of staying awake your eye shut and your body leaned itself on his. Sans begun to panic. You could feel his soul beat faster. Certainly the skeleton did not want to lose you. But one last whisper that came from you calmed down his nerves. "Don't....worry.....I'll be...fine." 

As you fell asleep the amalgamate begun to whimper and push his paw against your legs, begging you to wake up. The skeleton gently pat his head and gave him a reassuring smile. "she'll be fine. don't you worry." The amalgamate's ears perked up to this and begun to wiggle his tail. At the moment he flickered and then was back to normal. Then Sans picked you up and teleported to his house. 

As soon as he was inside, he walked to the couch and gently placed you on your back. Your sleeping figure melted Sans's heart. In his eye sockets you looked cute when you were sleeping. As soon as realized he was starring his face flushed and he proceeded to take off your boots. At every single sound the boots were making, you stirred ever so softly. But you didn't wake up.

He placed the boots next to the couch and walked upstairs to get a blanket and a pillow. 
When he came back You were curled up in a ball and shivering. He's smile widened (if possible) and he wrapped you in the blanket and put the pillow under your head. When he was about to leave a small whisper caught his attention. "Thank..you.."

HT Sans X Monster Reader X HT CharaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora