Chapter 2

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**Hey guys and welcome to chapter! I realized that I forgot to explain what happened after the ceremonial battle. I meant to. After Yugi defeated Yami/Atem, he had the opportunity to leave the earth and move on, but he couldn't bring himself to leave Yugi. He was granted one wish from the gods for the sacrifices he made to keep the world safe. His wish was that he wanted to remain on earth with Yugi. The gods granted this, but the catch was that they had to remain connected through the puzzle for the rest of their lives. The puzzle is the source of Yami's power and what allows him to have his own body. Anyways that is what happened after the ceremonial battle at least according to this book. Also just want to clarify that Yami and Atem are the same person in this book and he looks like he did in Ancient Egypt.**

Yugi's POV

We were all putting on our gear to go outside the wall to collect the food. Yami was next to me slipping on his boots as I was fastening the straps on my pack. "I just hope that nobody else found the food that I found," I say. "Not very many people are gutsy enough to go beyond the wall," says Yami who finishes with the last strap on his boot. He wraps an arm around me. "Everything should go fine as long as we don't spend too much time out there," he says. I nod and he gives me a peck.

"Then we can come back here and enjoy the rest of our night," he says and kisses and nibbles my ear lobe. I just laugh at him and get up and go into the living room. "Alright is everyone ready to go," I ask. I look around for Bakura and Marik. "Umm where are Bakura and Marik," asks Yami. "Well uhh," says Joey before we hear a loud crash. "You bastard where are my boots," screams Bakura. "Oh no," says Yami. "It sounds like this is going to take a while. I think we know who took Bakura's boots," says Tristan.

Marik runs out of his room panting. "You gotta hide me," he says. "I ain't helping you," says Ryou. "Someone has to help me. Malik-pretty will you hide me in your trunk," he says. "I am not getting you out of this one Marik," says Malik. "But I'm begging you," he says as a very angry Bakura stalks out of his room. "Where are my boots," he says furiously. "Well you see I um," says Marik. I face palm. "You didn't," he says. "Well I sort of sold your boots to a hobo for a snack," says Marik.

While all this chaos was going on, I slipped outside. Now where would he have found the nearest hobo cause that lazy piece wouldn't have walked far. I walk to an alley a block down and see a hobo sleeping and Bakura's boots sitting there right next to him. I shake my head. This guy should know better. I tip-toe right up next to him. He mumbles a little in his sleep. I need to get the boots and run before this guy wakes up. I quietly pick up the boots and tip-toe away. I hate stealing from him, but he is very dumb for letting them sit out like that.

It would have happened eventually. I shrug my shoulders and head back the house. I get back and the screaming match hasn't slowed down a bit. "Why in the hell would you sell my boots to a hobo," screechs Bakura. "Bakura you have been asking that for the past 30 minutes. How about you give it a rest," says Tristan. Bakura just turns his evil glare on him. His Millennium Ring is glowing. Tristan puts his hands up in surrender. I tap Yami on the shoulder and he looks at me. I lift the boots and he smirks. 'Let's see how long it takes him to see the boots,' says Yami through the mind link.

Joey look over and sees the boots. He looks like he's about to say something but I signal for him to keep his mouth shut. We stand there for about thirty more minutes before I get sick of this. Plus we need to go. "Oh for the love of Ra you are both so dense," I say with a glare. They turn and glare before seeing the boots. Marik has a relieved look on his face and Bakura is dumbfounded. "How," he asks. "It was easier than stealing candy from a baby. He slept with them like right next to him," I say. "Wow, Yugi stealing something. Never thought I'd see the day," says Anzu.

"Ok we need to go before we lose too much daylight," I say. After that fiasco is solved, we all leave except for Ryou, Anzu, and Ishizu. Ishizu decided to stay at the last minute. We all are heading down the street towards the entrance while being sure that nobody saw us. I mean it would look very strange to see this large of a group of people out and about. We slipped through the city before finally reaching the manhole that leads to the tunnel. I lift the cover off and set it aside.

One by one they slip down before I go down last. I light the candle in my hand and guide them down the tunnel. I feel a bit better now that there's more than one of us going down the tunnel cause it feels a bit odd going alone. We know there are tunnel dwellers down here and they don't come down this way unless given a reason to. I finally spot a light at the end and blow out my candle. Once we get out, I double check the surroundings before letting them come out. I'm out here the most so it is best that I do it.

"Alright Yugi, where's the goods," asks Joey. I motion for them to follow me into the village of houses about a mile from the wall. I go to the house and open the door. "So this is the place," says Marik. "But I don't see anything," says Tristan. I shake my head at them and lead them to the bedroom and move the rug revealing the door. "Wow, how'd you find this," asks Malik. "I'm just that good," I say and open the door and jump down. As they jump down, they all gasp at the amount of food.

"Holy jackpot," says Marik. "How did this go untouched," says Tristan. "I don't know, but let's grab the food and get back," says Yami who gives me an appreciative peck on the cheek. Joey is dumbfounded. "I'm missing something," he says. "You can't tell me that you didn't see that one coming puppy," says Seto. "Don't call me that," yells Joey. We all pack up as much food as we can carry in our packs. We sift through the rest to see what is left. "Ok it will probably take one more trip to get it all," says Yami.

We all nod and I see that we are quickly running out of daylight. "Uhh guys we gotta hurry," I say. We go to climb out, but Marik and Bakura have problems getting out so we had to help them. By the time we got outside, the sun had set. "Run," yells Seto. We all take off in a sprint running for the tunnel that was a mile away. I can hear the rabids start to come out of the ground. I also know they can smell us. Why do I have to be the brainiac? Because I have the shorter legs, I am at the back of the pack. I grab my knife to defend myself a little.

After we are about halfway there, I get tackled by a rabid that managed to get my ankle. The rest of them surround me. Seto was the only one that noticed as I didn't scream. I didn't want them to stop running. "Seto go. Please tell them that they were the best friends that I had I love them and tell Yami that I love him with all that I have. Protect him," I scream. At this point they were at the tunnel and they turn around to see Seto running, but they don't see me. "Seto, where's Yugi," screams Yami. He shakes his head. "We have to go," he says. "NO! Yugi," he yells.

Seto drags a kicking and screaming Yami into the tunnel. The rabid I have been wrestling with bit me in the neck and I let out a scream. It tore out a part of my neck and start drinking my blood. The pain was all I could think about, but I then thought about Yami. Oh Yami, I wish we could have gotten more time. The creature tore my skin to ribbons as he drained me. All of a sudden he was thrown off me. A figure loomed overhead and looked down at me. "Do you want to live boy," he asks.

I can tell I don't have much time as I start to choke on my own blood. "Tell me boy. Do you want to die here and now or live," he asks again. I think I have an idea as to what he is going to turn me into. If he leaves me, I will turn into one of the rabids. So he has to kill me if I say no. I just want it to end. I am about to say no when Yami comes to my head. He would want me to fight. I look up at him and I say,"I-I want to live." He nods before biting into his wrist and forcing me to drink his blood. The taste is revolting, but I swallow it anyway. After he pulls his wrist away he whispers, "I'm sorry." He then wraps his hands around my neck before twisting it and snapping it. Everything goes black.

**Hey there's another chapter of this story up. Yes, the previous chapter did get a bit brutal. I'm thinking about putting a mature label on it because of that. If you think so then let me know in the comments. Thanks again for reading and see you in the next chapter.**

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