Chapter 6

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**Time for another chapter! It's time for Yugi to bring to light what happened on the night of his change. This chapter goes out to bouncywriter for giving me encouragement to write this. You're amazing and an awesome writer. This chapter would have been up sooner, but I fell asleep writing and my laptop died and I ended up having to rewrite the whole thing. Thanks to the readers and I'll let you get to it.**

Yugi's POV

I woke up in the morning wrapped in warmth that is Yami. I turn in his arms and look at his face. He looked so cute when he slept. The lines in his face relaxed. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and that stirred him awake. "Morning Aibou," he says groggily. "Morning sleepy head," I say with a laugh. "Not that tired," he grumbles and turns over grabbing the blanket. "Hey now it's time to wakey wakey Mou Hitori," I say and straddle his waist. "Yugi, just five more minutes please. I'm not a vampire. I need sleep," he says.

"So do vampires, but it is time to face the day," I say and kiss his lips. He kisses back passionately and I giggle. "Ok ok, I'm up," he says. "Yay," I say and nuzzle his neck. He sighs and runs his fingers through my hair. "Can we just stay in here for the day and just relax," he asks. "Unfortunately no. I have a nice big story to tell if you do recall. I do believe Joey will be a very unhappy camper if I don't tell it either," I say. "You know you don't have to if you don't want to," says Yami.

"I think it needs to happen in order to help them accept the events that happened. Learning that your best friend isn't exactly dead would be a huge shocker to me too," I say. "Alright, I'll be there for you though. You know that right," he asks. I nod at him. "Wouldn't have it any other way," I say and kiss him again. "Ok now if you two are done making out, would you kindly get your asses out here," yells Marik. "Marik leave them alone for once," says Ishizu. I laugh before pulling away from Yami.

"Let's go appease the masses," I say before hopping off the bed. Yami groans but does the same. I dress in my black tank top and black leather pants with the belts. I grab my leather shoes, choker, and the necklace. "Oh Yugi, I have something for you," he says. He reaches in his drawer and pulls out my Millennium Puzzle. "Where did you find that," I ask as he puts it around my neck. "Outside the wall," he says with a look in his eyes. "Thank you," I say and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me.

He grips me tightly and buries his face in my neck. "I still can't believe it," he says. "Well believe it cause I'm right in front of you and I am not leaving ever again. I'm going to answer everyone's questions in a bit so it all will start to make sense," I say. He nods and grips my hand. We walk out of the room and into the living room. "So it looks like you two have taken a break from your passionate-," Bakura starts to say before Ryou smacks him on the head. I am now blushing so bad I look like a tomato.

"Don't make fun of Yugi. He could make you pay for that one if your not careful," says Ryou with a smirk. Yami chuckles. They pull out some food and start passing it around. I shake my head when it's offered to me. "I can eat it, but it would do nothing for me," I say. "So how often do you have to feed," asks Joey. "About every week or so. Sometimes I can go longer," I say. "How do you go longer," he asks. "If its fresh or from a bag can determine it," I say. They all nod. "Hey Seto, have you found your Blue Eyes yet," says Tristan with a snigger.

"I swear if you took it then I will disembowel you," he says while getting up. I step in and stand between them. "No need for violence," I say and turn to Tristan. "Now Tristan look me in the eyes and tell me did you take his card," I say using my mind control powers. "No I didn't steal his card," he says in a monotone. He snaps out of it and looks around. "What just happened," he asks. "You've got your answer," I say to Seto. "Woah Yugi, can you do that to me," says Malik. I turn and look him in the eyes. "Go bang your head on the wall one time," I say. He gets up and walks to the wall and bangs his head.

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