Chapter 7

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**Hey everybody! Time for a new chapter. I would like to thank everyone who has read, voted, or commented on this so far and I hope you stick around for the rest of the ride. I've gotta say you are all amazing. Also this book is going to all be in Yugi's POV I think. If not, then you'll find out. I may though write a Yami POV version of this book later on. Here's the chapter.**

I was walking back into the house and I had so much on my mind. How was I gonna tell them that we have to leave Domino City, the only place we've known, and how was I gonna tell Yami that we are mates? I guess I am freaking out a little bit. I take a deep breath before entering the house and walking into the living room. "Who was that Yug," asks Joey. "Well that was my sire, Caius," I say. "Oh, what did he need," asks Marik. "Well because of what happened yesterday, we have to leave the city," I say. "WHAT," everyone but Yami screams.

"Let's not yell at Yugi. Why do we have to leave Aibou," he asks. "I sort of pissed off the rabids and now they are going to the Master of this city and telling him about me," I say. "I suppose since we are associated with you so much that they will track you here," says Tristan. I nod. "When Yugi," asks Ryou. "We need to leave in an hour. Then I will take you via underground to a place underneath the city. You'll see what's there when we get there. Pack what you can carry as this is going to be a long walk to where we are going I think," I say.

They all nod in understanding before dispersing to their rooms to pack. Yami and I head to ours and I start throwing some clothes into a bag. Yami does the same and grabs some of his most precious possessions. I pick up the pictures I have of grandpa and my friends and put them in an envelope and throw that in. I find my duel decks and belt on my dresser. Yami walks over to the closet and pulls out the duel disks. "Do you want to take these? We could use them to duel each other," he says. I nod and take mine and slip it on my arm.

I watch as Yami picks up a gold box that once held the Millennium Puzzle. The box now holds his deck. He slips the box and his belt in his bag. "Are you ready Atem," I ask. "Yes," he says and looks around our room one more time. "Will it still be here if we come back," he asks. "I don't know. That's why we are taking the important stuff with us," I say. We both go out into the living room to see Joey, Ryou, Bakura, and Ishizu already done. Kaiba walks out and moves a rug. "What are you doing Seto," asks Joey.

He pushes the boards down and it reveals a secret stow away place. "Anything you can't carry put in here. This will be protected against anything they do," he says. We all nod and bring out all of our stuff that won't fit into our bags and organize it in the safe. We then take the food and put some in each of our bags. We end up taking it all. After everyone is done, it's only been 30 minutes. "I thought that was gonna take longer. Let's move out," I say and strap my katanas, knives, and pack on.

We all leave the house and head for the man hole. I keep my eyes to the shadows so I can watch for any humans that get any ideas. Once we reach the man hole, I turn to look at them. "Did anyone bring the candle," I ask. Ryou pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to me. I jump down, light the candle, and motion for them to come down. Once everyone is down, I start walking the opposite way than out. "I really don't like this," says Joey. "Oh you scared Puppy," asks Seto. "Shut up Kaiba," says Joey. "Guys keep it down. I'd like to not run into anything while we are down here," I say.

The rest of the walk is silent. When we reach the door, I see Caius. "Well done. You're here on time," he says and walks in. We all step inside and they gasp. "This place is full of weapons," says Malik. "Yes, this is where all the confiscated weapons went. Take your pick and Yugi can teach about them as you go," he says. They all wander around to the many different weapons deciding what to pick. Anzu picks the bow and arrow. Ishizu picks up a set of knives. Malik and Marik both have spears. Tristan picks up a trident. Joey found a flail. Seto found an axe next to Joey's flail. Ryou and Bakura have machetes.

I follow Yami around as he looks at weapons. His eyes scanning each one. I have no idea what he will pick. His eyes fall on a longsword that looks Egyptian. It has a golden hilt with hieroglyphics up the sleeve. He picks it up and unsheathes it. The blade also had hieroglyphics on it. "A blade fit for a Pharaoh," says Bakura but he doesn't notice. "That one has been here for years. It came when the museum was setting up an Ancient Egypt exhibit. They said it belonged to a Pharaoh," says Caius. "Atem, was this yours," I ask.

He looks at me and nods. He sheathes the sword and straps it to his back. "Wonder how it stood the test of time," asks Ryou. "It was kept in his tomb," says Ishizu. Yami turns to everyone. "Does everybody have what they want," he asks. They all nod and I look at Caius. "Thank you for doing this for us," I say. "Honestly Yugi, you have given me hope for this vampire race. I know you have the ability within you to change it," he says. "Come with us," I say. "I can't. I am working to find a cure for the rabids. I must stay here, but you need to go," he says and gives me a hug.

"You were my brightest student," he says and ushers us out the door and into the tunnel. We start following the tunnel out to the outside of the wall. I keep checking the darkness for tunnel dwellers as they can sneak up on you pretty fast. When we near the outside, I blow out the candle. We step into the light of day. "Ok, I think we should walk through the night," I say. "Why," asks Bakura. "Because we no longer have any protection besides ourselves against the rabids," says Yami. "Shouldn't they leave us alone since Yugi is around," asks Malik.

"Nope they want my head on a stick for killing one of their leaders," I say and pull out the map. It shows that we have to head towards the ocean. "Ok guys we have to head in that direction," I say pointing off into the distance. "Yug how long will we be walking," asks Joey. "A while," I say. He sighs and we all start to walk. We pass the houses that were once filled with people, but have long since been abandoned. "How will we know where to stop and camp," asks Tristan. "If there's a house then we can stop and sleep there. If not, then we'll have to make do," I say.

"Since Yugi has the map he's leading," says Kaiba. "No, the monkey was gonna lead," says Marik. "I'd shut is psycho," says Kaiba. "Let's not start the bickering now. Jeez," says Anzu. 'This is gonna be a long trip,' says Yami through the link. 'I know. I just hope they can get along well enough for 3 weeks. That's about how long it's gonna take to get there,' I say. 'I was wondering that after you said a while,' he says. I sigh. 'What's wrong Aibou,' asks Yami. 'Everyone is counting on me to get them to this city in one piece. I don't want to fail,' I say.

He wraps an arm around my waist and looks me in the eyes. 'You won't. Your love for your friends won't let you fail. I know everything is gonna turn out just fine. I love you my Hikari and I know you will get us to this new place safely,' he says. 'I thought you were gonna say home,' I say. 'I already am home,' he says. I give him a funny look. 'Home is wherever you are Yugi,' he says and kisses my nose. I blush at that. 'I'm also happy to see that didn't go away,' he says. I blush even more and playfully push him.

"Are you all done with your mental sex session up there," says Bakura. Ryou smacks him on the back of the head. "Ry seriously," he says. "Yes Kura. Leave Yugi and the Pharaoh alone," he says. 'It's still odd that they call me the Pharaoh every once in a while,' says Yami. I just shake my head. 'In their defense, you were a Pharaoh. I was honestly surprised you took on your Egyptian skin color when you chose to stay,' I say. We pass by a bunch of trees when I hear something. I motion for them to stop. "What is it Yugi," asks Ishizu. I listen carefully and it sounds like running water. "There's a stream about a half a mile that way if you guys wanna fill up your containers," I say.

"Yeah, let's go. I'm sure Seto needs a bath," says Marik. Seto clenches his fists till his knuckles turn white. Joey sees it and grabs his hand and massages his hands back open. We reach the crystal clear stream and hear a tongue lapping the water about 2 miles away. My throat ignites into flames. "Guys I'll be right back," I say and start running down the stream at vampire speed. I reach the deer in seconds and tackle it to the ground while snapping it's neck. I bite down on its neck and start to drink, but the taste is awful and rancid.

I spit it out not wanting it anymore. I guess that means that I can't drink from animals. The one thing that Caius didn't teach me was that vamps can't drink animal blood. 'Aibou are you ok,' asks Yami through the link. 'Yeah I am headed back,' I say. I feel bad that I killed the deer for no reason now. I sigh. No time to dwell on it though. I go back to the group and see that they are done. "Why'd ya take off," asks Bakura. "Thought I heard something. It was nothing," I say. As I'm talking, I can feel the flames at the back of my throat telling me that I am still thirsty. What am I gonna do?

**Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chapter.**

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