Chapter 25

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Yugi's POV

I had just finished turning Marik and Bakura and was walking back upstairs to the rest of them. Unfortunately for the other two they won't see them for a while. I looked over at some vampires who were staring at me. "Take a picture it lasts longer," I say and they growl. "Watch it faggot twerp," says one of the males. "Oh I'm shaking in my boots," I say and turn to head back up the stairs. "Hey we're not done with you," says a woman. "Well I didn't even start with you cause it would be a thorough waste of my time," I say and start up the stairs when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I grab the arm of the person who grabbed me and throw them back down the stairs. "Dont even try that. I may not be that old for a vampire, but I am also skilled," I say and walk back up to the apartment. They all look up when I walk in. "Everythings going great," I say. "Thank you. We can't thank you enough for this," Ryou said. "You are all my family. I would do anything for family," I say. They both give me a hug. Yami comes up and wraps his arm around me. "You're amazing my love," he says and kisses my forehead.

"Thanks baby," I say. "Well now the only thing left to do is wait," says Solomon. "Yeah were gonna head back to the house and wait," says Malik. They all leave till it's just Seto, Joey, Yami, Grandpa, and me. "Well since that's happening, why don't I take you downstairs puppy," says Seto. "In a minute Seto, I want to hang out upstairs for a few minutes first," he says. Yami sits on the couch and pulls me onto his lap and cuddles me. "So Yugi, you never told me exactly who changed you," says Grandpa.

"Oh sorry I guess I never did. His name is Caius," I say. "I heard tales of a vampire name Caius. A very honorable man he is," says Grandpa. "He changed me when I thought I was a goner. I was nearly dead when he found me," I say. Yami looks away and I see tears in his eyes. "It wasn't your fault Yami. There was nothing you could have done," I say. "I could have come back for you," he says. "No you could not have. If you did then these events would not have transpired," says Grandpa.

"Yeah bud. Those may have been difficult times, but you gotta remember things happen for a reason," says Joey. "Look at the events leading up to the Ceremonial Battle. The battle that finally freed you to make your own choice and not what was expected of you. If it weren't for all of that, I would have never met you," I say and grip his hands tight. "You're right. I would have remained in the past," says Yami. I smile and kiss him. "Let's look at the future instead of the past," I say.

"Well said Yugi," says Grandpa. "How did you live," he asks Grandpa. "Well I sent Yugi ahead because I was slowing him down. After he left, I was attacked by rabids. A vampire showed up and saved me just like he did Yugi. That vampire was Pegasus," he says. "I guess it runs in the family," says Seto and Joey chuckles. "Yeah well I'm glad to have you back Grandpa," I say. "Me too my boy," he says and hugs me. I hug him back. "Now you take care of him Yami," he says. "Of course I will sir," he says.

Grandpa nods. "Well kids I have work that has to be done. I will see you all a little bit later. Oh and Yugi I did reopen the shop if you ever want to come by," he says. "Of course I will," I say and Grandpa leaves. "Speaking of I'm working on a new duel disk system that I'd like you guys to try out sometime," says Seto. "Sure," says Yami. Seto nods. "How bout we go back to the apartment to relax puppy," says Seto. "We may be mates, but you need to stop calling me that. It's rather irritating," says Joey as they walk out.

I chuckle after they had gone. "They fight like an old married couple," I say. "They might as well be," Yami laughs. "So my love whatever shall we do now that our friends have gone," I say with smirk. "Hmm I think I have a few brilliant ideas cooked up in my brain," he says picking me up and carrying me to my room. "Oh you do well I want you to tell me," I say hanging onto his neck. "Well it involves a little math you see," he says laying me down on the bed. "I think I can handle a little bit of math," I say.

He laughs and kisses my neck and I sigh. "Well you add you and me. Then you subtract the clothes," he says tugging on my shirt. "Mmm go on," I say. "Then you divide the legs and multiply the pleasure and then you have the solution," he says with a smile. I laugh wrapping my arms around his neck tight. "Oh who knew math could be so much fun," I say. "You also forgot the word pleasurable," he says. "Oh sorry I forgot that word too," I say and kiss him. We both tear at each others clothes.

We were about to start feeding on each other when a knock sounds at the door. Yami groans and I sit up and pull on a pair of sweats and go to the door and open it. In runs in Seto with a freaked out look on his face. "Seto what is going on," I say. Yami flits in with only his boxers on. "I stepped out to go and get some blood from the supply downstairs for us to use in some wine. We were just going to enjoy a night to ourselves much like you guys were going to. I get back and Joey's gone. He's gone and I can't feel him. He's missing," Seto says and breaks down crying.

I get down on my knees beside him and hold him. "Yami call the counsel now and call or friends. This may take all of us," I say. He nods and makes the phone calls while I try to get to get Seto to calm down. They have crossed the line now. I will find Joey. I will kill every last one of them for hurting my friends. I normally would be against violence, but this is personal. "Yugi calm down we will find him," says Yami. Crap the link was open. "Well I mean it. This is personal now," I say. "I know and we will find him and bring him back safe," he says. "I know," I say.

**Sorry for the long wait. I will try to get better at it, but life is being well life. I also started an ask book and you can ask the characters of this book or any of my books or myself questions. Check out my other stuff if you like and thank you so much for all the reads. I'll see you in the next chapter.**

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