Chapter 15

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**It is time for Chapter 15. A big thank you to all the lovely readers out there. I don't intend on ending this one anytime soon so I hope you all are prepared for a ride. I will let you all get to reading.**

Yugi's POV

It has been about two days since Seto had started his change and he still hasn't woken up yet. I am considering just getting a big ol pot of boiling water and dumping it on him. 'Aibou, I don't think it works that way,' he says with a chuckle as he prepares a sandwich upstairs. 'That's easy for you to say. I got to sit down here and babysit after that hellish meeting I had with Pegasus,' I screeched into the link. 'Aww don't be so sour with me my Hikari. I know it was bad, but it could have been a whole lot worse,' he says.

'Oh really then tell me how it could have been worse,' I ask him with a smirk. 'I will have to get back to you on that one,' he says. 'Ha, I told ya,' I say. With a sigh, I look back towards Seto. I don't mean to be this bitchy, but one of those assholes on the council called me short and insulted my ability to fight. That did result in a sparing match where handed his own ass to him, almost literally, and walked away with a smile on my face. I'm still pissed about it. I groan as I bang my head against the wall.

'Aibou stop that. I can feel it through the link,' he says with a hint of annoyance. 'Sorry,' I mutter back to him. 'You do realize that I would sit down there if you would let me,' he says. 'For the hundreth time Yami, it is too dangerous. He is a waking new vampire and they are very unpredictable. It's going to be bad enough that your scent is on me,' I say. 'Oh my scent is on you. I like that. Can we keep it that way,' he asks with a mischievious look on his face no doubt. Oh Yami just you wait till I can mess with your emotions through the mating bond.

I smile at the thought of being able to get back at him. I hear a groan come from the table. I get up and stand over Seto. "Wakey wakey Seto," I say. "Gods my head and my neck," he says. "Yeah I woke up like that too. Now, no time for whining. Time to see what you can do," I say. I go over with him the basics of being a vampire like strength, speed, and things he needs to know to take care of himself and Joey. "Now to test your control," I say and walk over to the fridge. I can tell he is eyeing me suspiciously.

I keep the bag of blood hidden as I turn back around and face him. "Now close your eyes," I say. He looks reluctant but does it anyway. I tear the bag a tiny bit and put some blood on my finger. "Tell me what do you smell," I ask. "Whatever it is, it's nothing like I have ever smelled before. It is delicious and I am finding myself craving it," he says as I tip toe closer to him. I am in front of him and he doesn't realize it. I hold my bloody finger under his nose. "Take another smell," I say. He does and I can see his eyes start to turn black, but it fades.

"I can tell you are holding blood under my nose Yugi," he says. "Very good," I say and lick the blood off my finger and hand him the bag. He takes it and drinks. I watch as his eyes widen at the taste. "I know. That was my reaction too," I say. "Well Yugi-boy, I say you are handling Mr. Kaiba very well. I came down to be sure you didn't need any assistance and to apologize for that councilmans behavior," he says. "No need it wasn't your fault," I say. Kaiba looks at me confused.

"Long story short, I lost my temper and whooped another vampires ass in a sparing match. It was quite fun," I say. "Unfortunately until he has full control, he can't be allowed outside his apartment," says Kaiba. "Why's that," he asks. "While you may have a unique ability to resist bloodlust almost like Yugi can, we have to be sure before we allow any other human contact besides your mate," says Pegasus. "Joey," he whispers. Pegasus nods at me before I drag Seto out of the room.

"What are you doing," he asks. "Trust me, you need this," I say and guide him upstairs to their apartment. I open it to see Joey standing in the middle room. Kaiba gasps and goes to run up to him, but I stop him. "Control, I have to teach you control first. I brought you up here to see him and your guy's new apartment in the tower," i say. Using a mixture of white, blues, greys, and blacks, I designed their modern apartment with Seto's love of the Blue Eyes White Dragon influencing the color scheme.

They talk for a bit before I deem it ok to leave them. I laugh as I exit the apartment. I am happy to see those two reunited and happy. 'Aibou would you come back to our apartment please,' asks Yami. I groan at the purr in his baritone voice and head down the hall to ours. I open the door and look into the living room and he was not there. I smell and I can smell the strong scent of blood. My eyes darken and I walk into our bedroom. I see him putting down the knife and there's a cut along his neck.

"Come here my mate," he says and I am hypnotized by his voice. I walk up to him staring at the blood on his neck as it started to get on his shirt. I lick the line of blood and he shudders from the contact. "Mmm," he moans and tilts his head to the side giving me better access. I lay him down on the bed as I suck on his neck. Whenever I taste his blood, it feels like I could die happy right then and there. Just drowning in my Yami. Mou Hitori No Boku. My mate. I groan at the taste as I continue to take in mouthfuls of blood.

When I had enough, I pulled away with a gasp and closed the wound. I panted into his neck. 'Why did you do that,' I ask curiously through the link. 'Because I tell that you were exhausted because you were being so grumpy. I knew you needed it,' he says and kisses my cheek. He wraps his leg around my waist and pulls even closer to him. I didn't think that was possible. I nuzzled and purred into his chest. "You know you do sound almost cat-like when you do that," he says with a chuckle. "Believe it or not, that's where the first vampires got it from," I say.

"Really," he asks and I nod and listen to his heartbeat. He starts to hum and old Egyptian song as he rubs my back. The silkiness of his baritone voice almost lulls me to sleep. I can hear him singing in Egyptian. When his song was over, he tightened his arms around me. I knew enough Egyptian to know it was a song meant to ask for a blessing from the gods. I smiled and kissed Yami's neck. "Yugi, I want tomorrow night to be the night," he says. I pull away so I can look into his crimson eyes.

"You're sure Yami," I ask. He nods. "I want nothing more than to spend the rest of eternity with you and if that means that I have to follow you to the afterlife down the line then so be it. I would do anything and everything to have you forever Yugi Muto," he says. I feel tears leak down my face and I grip his chin and pull him to me. I kiss him with enough fire to light all of the earth's forests ablaze. I move forward so I am straddling his hips. I also realize that I am sitting right on top of his "little friend."

Judging by the feel, he isn't so little after all. I smile and get an idea in my head. I grind my ass into his hard on and his eyes shoot open and he moans into the night. I smirk down at him while enjoying the control I have over him by doing just one simple motion. I bend down and attack his neck again before grinding on him again. I can tell from the incoherant words he is giving me that he is close to losing his control. Just like that, it snaps like a rubber band and he flips us over so he's on top.

"You little tease," he purrs into my ear. "Yet you can't have me till tomorrow," I say with mischievioiusness. "Oh my Aibou. You will suffer with me," he says. What? In one quick motion, he hovers over me and wraps my legs around his waist. I feel pleasure run up my whole body as he grinds his hips into mine. "Ahh," I yell. My hand flies to my mouth. I didn't expect that to come out. He laughs and removes my hand. "That was beautiful. Do it again," he says and grinds his hips into mine again.

I cry out just like the last time. He chuckles before getting off of my and pulling me into an embrace. "That's enough play for tonight. There will be plenty of time for that tomorrow," he say smirking. I poke his arm to show my displeasure. He chuckles and kisses my temple. "I love you my Aibou. Sleep well," he says before falling to sleep. I smile and kiss his forehead. His nose scrunches up a bit and i have to bite back the laughter. Now that was cute. I get comfy in Yami's arms before falling asleep myself. I can't shake off the feeling of somebody watching though.

**I apoligize for this one being late. Don't you just love it when your laptop decides to delete everything. It's the most amazing thing in the world...NOT!!! Anyways my new story is going to be called The Reign of Yugi Muto. I am excited for that one as the idea has been rolling around in my head for a while. Thanks for reading!**

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